Kyle - AA0Z Youtube

Weird POTA Stories & Interactions with WD4DAN and KE8PZN #pota

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We share some of our weird POTA interactions and also hear from you on YOUR weird POTA sotries….

WD4DAN Front End Overload –
Ham Radio Adventure Guy –
HRAG Discord :

Follow me on the social networks
Twitter – @kyleaa0z
TikTok – @kyleaa0z

Ham Radio Trivia – I play ham radio trivia every month on my YouTube channel. Play for free on Kahoot while watching the stream. Follow my Twitter for times.

#hamradio #cw #morsecode #newcwoperators #roundtable #bug #cootie #paddle #learningcw #cwmorse #13wpmhump #pota #sota #portable #iambic #keyer #key #antenna #licw #cwops #keys #flexradio #wkflex