Meet the YouTubers Bunch Members
Hi, my name is Jason, callsign KC5HWB, and I created this video series in 2015 to talk about anything that is new in Amateur Radio. I review new radios, new products, and new modes for the modern Ham Operator., but I am also interested in the tried-and-true products in Ham Radio. I like engagement from the audience and feedback from the viewer, so please subscribe to catch my new videos. My most popular videos are my Technician and General Classes, and then after those, radio reviews. New radio unboxings, testing, reviewing, programming, etc – that is what this channel is primarily about. But over the last 5 years this channel has grown far beyond just new radio reviews – ANYTHING that is NEW or FUN in Amateur Radio can be found on this channel! I hope to hear from you! 73 and thanks for watching.
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Ham radio and vintage computers.
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Ham radio and POTA!
I’m Callum, M0MCX – inventor and owner of DX Commander. The email at the bottom of this page is for Customers or Business Enquiries only else LEAVE A COMMENT! I read ALL comments and questions! Why do I use the callsign M0XXT from the Shack? Because Tim M0URX does all our QSLing and the admin of that can be pretty complex and time consuming.. M0XXT is technically a “Club” callsign and it works for all the QSLing we are asked to do.. That’s all! PS – Worried about me losing the old channel? Don’t – there’s bigger problems in this world. DX Commander Unit F3 Holly Farm Business Park Honiley CV8 1NP
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This is where I post videos of things that are of interest to me; EDC, Ham Radio, Survival, Prepping, Guns, Knives, Axes, Gear, Solar Power, Batteries, Flashlights, Hiking, Camping, Hammocks, Cooking and Drinking…
The AA0Z YouTube Channel.
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Goodgame Ham Radio and Outdoors is a channel dedicated to teaching hams, new and old, about amateur radio. Being a middle school teacher, I am fortunate enough to get to teach amateur radio to some of my STEM classes. We have a school club and have had 36 students in all and 3 staff members earn their amateur radio licenses. I am committed to expanding the knowledge of all hams, and spreading the love of ham radio as much as possible. My daughter, Jherica, and I enjoy POTA and often make videos about park activations. I also do many radio related product reviews. We stream live every Wednesday evening at 7pm Central time. Additionally, we try to post at least one video per week. Those usually fall on a Monday or a Thursday. Scheduling on those varies slightly because we try to collaborate with the other content creators in the YouTubers Bunch.
My name is Josh, I’m a dad living in Southern California with my wife and two sons. I’m an engineer and radio amateur. I’ve created the Ham Radio Crash Course to get people involved in radio and to help people keep learning!
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I Love Ham Radio! Not only do I love ham radio, I love bringing it to others! I create ham radio training videos as well as videos on other ham radio topics, including technical and operating topics. My goal is to help those new to ham radio progress through the ranks and enjoy the hobby to its fullest. I think I’m unique in that I have the only license training videos that exactly correspond to the ARRL license manuals. I also have a series called “Ask Dave” to answer even the most basic questions about the hobby. My goal is to create a “safe space” for newcomers where all questions are regarded as serious and get a straight answer. Folks have used my videos to get their original Technician license, upgrade to General, and then upgrade to the highest level, Amateur Extra Class. I also send personal emails to many of those who ask questions.
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SUBSCRIBE to the Ham Radio DX channel if you want to learn more about the awesome hobby of Ham Radio. Be warned, you may get seriously addicted. Welcome to Ham Radio DX, the channel aiming to educate and promote Amateur Radio. The content on this channel will hopefully inspire you to delve into and learn more about the ham radio hobby, electronics and technology in general. Here you will find tutorials, as well as tips, tricks and guides on all aspects of amateur radio. We will show you why Ham Radio is a fun hobby for all ages and genders. Perhaps you want to explore new digital modes such as WSPR or FT8 using WSJT-X, or VHF/UHF and microwave experimentation? Maybe you’re completely new to the hobby. Whatever the case there is something for everyone on HRDX!
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Television Programs for and about Amateur Radio – on the web! Viewer supported, no ads.
For more information about our shows and to chip in a couple of bucks , see our web site.
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Please SUBSCRIBE to Ham Radio TV! Where you can Watch, Amateur Radio. Ham Radio TV is a production of Fiori Films and Audio is made possible by Ken’s Pro Sound.
Hi, my name is Jason Fiori / KM6FAK and I’m the dude behind Ham Radio TV. I hope you are enjoying my videos as much as I enjoy making them! Email me at with any question or ideas you might have. I will review any kind of equipment that is related to Ham radio or used in making videos for this channel.
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Welcome to K6UDA Radio, it’s Elmer with Attitude. Not to serious, not to in depth and its funny and fun to watch. Subscribe to my channel as I bring you new content ranging from DYI sport bike mods to Ham Radio how to’s. From time to time I’ll post adventures ranging from exotic SCUBA diving, Hunting, 4WD and of course our famous Drag Racing action.
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I share information about outdoor adventures with others. You’ll learn about Ham Radio, gear involved, SOTA (Summits On The Air), and everything related to hiking and surviving as an ultra lightweight backpacker. PS – my dog chases squirrels and lizards :).
Latest Video: / – The bilingual (English and French) ham radio YouTube channel I’m Pascal VA2PV and I’m a very enthusiasm amateur radio operator determine to promote our hobby by providing quality video contents. Please share and subscribe! 73 / – La chaîne YouTube radioamateur bilingue (anglais et français) Je suis un radioamateur très enthousiasme et déterminé à promouvoir notre passe-temps par du contenu vidéo de qualité. Merci de partager et de vous abonner ! 73
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I’m Sterling, N0SSC, a twenty-something Extra-class amateur radio operator, former ARRL Youth Editor, EE Grad from Missouri S&T (viva la W0EEE!) and video maker. Here you’ll find videos mainly pertaining to the art and science of the hobby of Amateur Radio.
Thanks for stopping by! This channel is really nothing more than me documenting some of the repairs and projects I work on around the house, in the garage, and in my ham radio shack. My videos aren’t really intended to be “how to” videos. My intent is to document and share the things I’m doing for reference and/or entertainment.
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W5KV’s Signal Search. All about Amateur Radio.
Join me on my outdoor portable radio adventures of SOTA and POTA.
Hi I’m Chuck, on this channel I will show how I build Ham Radio related products, like Antennas, Radios, Antenna mounts. I also will share POTA and SOTA activations, Overlanding mixed with camping and Ham Radio. Also on this channel I will evaluate Ham Radio, Camping, Offroad equipment. Sound like something your interested ? Hit the Subscribe button and I will see you in the comments!
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Hello YouTube friends! I’m Adam, K6ARK, a ham radio geek who operates mostly outdoors. On my channel, you’ll find videos of my SOTA adventures and portable radio-related projects. Hope you have as much fun watching these videos as I do making them.
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Welcome to Smoke Signals RF. My name is Don, W1FYG. Check out the channel as we discuss ham radio equipment, operating from the shack and participating with the Parks on the Air program. Maybe we’ll even discuss other modes of communication, cigars and food! Join me as we have fun, experiment and learn. For product review inquires contact me at 73’s and we’ll catch you down the log!
Hi YouTube Friends. My name is Charlie, NJ7V (I use my nickname, Red, for CW ops). This channel is all about portable ops. From the “All Portable Discussion Zone” (APDZ) livestream to the Summits on the Air activation videos, you’ll learn about amateur radio operations in the field. Guest interviews, SOTA activations, projects and builds, short 5-minute tips, and more. I participate in a YouTube content creators collaboration and release content with other creators on Mondays and Thursdays. I also often appear on their channels. Catch the “All Portable Discussion Zone” livestream every other Sunday at 5pm MST where my co-hosts, Brian W7JET, Dan KC7MSU, and I interview portable ops enthusiasts. Thanks for watching!
Tank Radio will be focusing on: Pies in Amateur Radios SDR Aredn Satellite Amateur Radio And everything else I find interesting. Please subscribe to see when i post my latest videos. Help support me by: PayPal: Amazon affiliate link: Discord: #tank-radio
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Follow ham radio operator / mediocre outdoorsman / terrible athlete / appalling videographer Chris / ZL4RA on various poorly planned, poorly executed adventures throughout the magnificent backcountry of New Zealand’s South Island.
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