HRN 545: How to Run a Hamfest
The biggest hamfests are growing – Dayton, Orlando, Huntsville. Many smaller hamfests are struggling, or have closed down. Some clubs have had trouble finding a chair person and staff to put on shows that have been around for decades. Facilities are only getting more expensive, while attendence and income are falling.
The ‘RARSfest’ – coming April 5 and hosted by the Raleigh (NC) Amateur Radio Society – is hanging in there, maybe even growing a little. It has a robust flea market, and good array of commerecial vendors, and even attracts one of the big ham radio stores, plus a variety of activities. It’s been a while since any major manufacturer had come to show their wares at any but the biggest shows.
RARSfest Chair Nancy Torborg KB2TNR will join us to talk about how she picked up the event when RARS was struggling to find a new chair, and what she’s done to keep th show going.
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