We’re gonna do something at 6 Eastern. Guess we better figure it out soon.
HRN’s Videos
We’re gonna do something at 6 Eastern. Guess we better figure it out soon.
HRN 528 Field Night🌛
It may have been the longest DAY of the year, but it was still a long NIGHT for K4AAQ
Full show: https://youtu.be/EQVUWqWYz0w
We had some technical trouble with the live stream – it quit early. We got it reconnected after a bit, but the first 20 minutes or so of the show is missing. AND… we had trouble with the local recording, which quit just after we got the live stream going.
Between the two, I’ve reconstructed MOST of the show, and it’s rendering now. I’ll replace this video with the more-or-less complete version soon. -K4AAQ
Our guest, Dr. Johnathan Kramer, ESQ W6JLK is a lawyer dealing in ‘dirt’ – no, not Stormy Daniels… Real Estate. We’ll learn about his career and a bit about putting up antennas in HOA territory.
We had some technical trouble with the live stream this time… and with the local recording. Between the two, we recovered most of the show, with a few minutes missing in the middle. You won’t even know… but it might be a little confusing for those who watched live on YouTube, or came to the YouTube channel late, but before we replaced the video (it takes hours to do that. Now you know.
The most important Amateur Radio program on the Internet
music theme:
Odd News by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Artist: http://www.twinmusicom.org/
HRN 527: "Legal"⚖ Ham Radio
Our guest, Jonathan Kramer W6JKL, is a land use attorney in California. Antennas and stuff… this should be interesting!
HRN 526: HQ… WFT, Over?
"We are continuing to address a serious incident involving access to our network and systems. Several services, such as Logbook of The World® and the ARRL Learning Center, are affected."
We’re opening the Zoom to the audience. Don’t just lurk – join only if you want to come on the show.
Meeting ID: 863 0236 1469
Passcode: 365349
If you only want to watch, stick with YouTube
HRN 525 Live from Dayton #2
Marty’s found some more stuff (we hope)
Our East Coast Correspondent, Marty NN1C (former KC1CWF – 🐔with 🍟) has offered to do some live streams from the Hamvention. So we’ll start with the ‘opening bell’ on Friday as the hordes stream in the gate and run to whatever they think is most important to see first.
Gary K4AAQ will ‘anchor’ from the Fort Mill studio. David W0DHG will drop is as available (it’s a work day and pretty early on the west coast. Then we’ll see what happens. Maybe we’ll stick with Marty until his battery dies, or maybe we’ll just do a few drop-ins throughout the day.
We’re not planning on anything Saturday because Gary has another activity (that’s why he’s not going himself). Maybe David can anchor some from LA – we haven’t planned that far ahead.
So Yay! More Hamvention than we expected to be able to bring you!
The most important Amateur Radio program on the Internet
music theme:
Odd News by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Artist: http://www.twinmusicom.org/
HRN 523 Tanned and Restless
We’re back, for a minute (maybe 60 minutes)