Kyle - AA0Z Youtube

Secrets for Hunting #POTA Stations – Contesting Search & Pounce

Secrets for Hunting #POTA Stations - Contesting Search & Pounce

We are going to talk with Dan WD4DAN and learn his process for hunting POTA stations from his QTH in GA.

Follow me on the social networks
Twitter – @kyleaa0z
TikTok – @kyleaa0z

Ham Radio Trivia – I play ham radio trivia every month on my YouTube channel. Play for free on Kahoot while watching the stream.

#hamradio #pota #contesting

Kyle - AA0Z Youtube

I Forgot My Satellite Rig Microphone #fail

I Forgot My Satellite Rig Microphone #fail

Take #2. I went to #POTA this weekend and had every intention of contacting the ISS only to forget my microphone. Come to find out, I forgot a lot of stuff and needed to re-group.

Follow me on the social networks
Twitter – @kyleaa0z
TikTok – @kyleaa0z

Ham Radio Trivia – I play ham radio trivia every month on my YouTube channel. Play for free on Kahoot while watching the stream.

#satellites #hamradio #iss

Kyle - AA0Z Youtube

Sweet Nectar of the Gods #sundrop

Sweet Nectar of the Gods #sundrop

APB: Sundrop 40 mins away.

Follow me on the social networks
Twitter – @kyleaa0z
TikTok – @kyleaa0z

Ham Radio Trivia – I play ham radio trivia every month on my YouTube channel. Play for free on Kahoot while watching the stream.

Kyle - AA0Z Youtube

Live ISS Satellite Contact Pass

Live ISS Satellite Contact Pass

I’m going to try and make a contact through the ISS

Follow me on the social networks
Twitter – @kyleaa0z
TikTok – @kyleaa0z

Ham Radio Trivia – I play ham radio trivia every month on my YouTube channel. Play for free on Kahoot while watching the stream.

#satellites #iss

Kyle - AA0Z Youtube

All This Software Works with Flex Smart SDR

All This Software Works with Flex Smart SDR

On this stream we welcome Mike Walker (VA3MW) to the channel. We are going give a quick update on all the news from Hamvention about Flex Radio and then talk about all the 3rd party software that works with Smart SDR, what each piece of software does and when would you use it?

Follow me on the social networks
Twitter – @kyleaa0z
TikTok – @kyleaa0z

Ham Radio Trivia – I play ham radio trivia every month on my YouTube channel. Play for free on Kahoot while watching the stream.

#hamradio #smartSDR #flexradio #workswithflex #amateuerradio #hf #antenna

Kyle - AA0Z Youtube

You Need This 3rd Party Software #flexradio

All This Software Works with Flex Smart SDR

On this stream we welcome Mike Walker (VA3MW) to the channel. We are going give a quick update on all the news from Hamvention about Flex Radio and then talk about all the 3rd party software that works with Smart SDR, what each piece of software does and when would you use it?

Follow me on the social networks
Twitter – @kyleaa0z
TikTok – @kyleaa0z

Ham Radio Trivia – I play ham radio trivia every month on my YouTube channel. Play for free on Kahoot while watching the stream.

#hamradio #smartSDR #flexradio #workswithflex #amateuerradio #hf #antenna

Kyle - AA0Z Youtube

I Built an FM Satellite Rig in 3 Hours

I Built an FM Satellite Rig in 3 Hours

After watching @digital.rancher work @LifeAtTerminalVelocity while parachute mobile, I came home from Hamvention to find that I had all the major parts to start my FM satellite journey. Now I’m documenting my journey into this part of the hobby.

Follow me on the social networks
Twitter – @kyleaa0z
TikTok – @kyleaa0z

Ham Radio Trivia – I play ham radio trivia every month on my YouTube channel. Play for free on Kahoot while watching the stream.

#hamradio #satellites #contesting #antenna

Kyle - AA0Z Youtube

Make A Contact Live – 20 meters W1AW/0 Volunteers On The Air

Make A Contact Live - 20 meters W1AW/0 Volunteers On The Air

Come hang out with me as I work W1AW/0 on 20 meters SSB for Volunteers On The Air Live.

Follow me on the social networks
Twitter – @kyleaa0z
TikTok – @kyleaa0z

Ham Radio Trivia – I play ham radio trivia every month on my YouTube channel. Play for free on Kahoot while watching the stream.

#hamradio #20m #volunteersontheair #amateurradio #flexradio

Kyle - AA0Z Youtube

Secure Your Remote Node Red Server with SSH

Secure Your Remote Node Red Server with SSH

I show you how to poke a hole through your remote router and SSH tunnel into your Node Red server to gain remote access.

Node Red Getting Started Playlist :

Groups IO for NR for Ham Radio :

Follow me on the social networks
Twitter – @kyleaa0z
TikTok – @kyleaa0z

Ham Radio Trivia – I play ham radio trivia every month on my YouTube channel. Play for free on Kahoot while watching the stream.

#hamradio #nodered #remote

Kyle - AA0Z Youtube

Morse Runner with Tim (N7KOM) – New CW Operators Roundtable #cw

Morse Runner with Tim (N7KOM) - New CW Operators Roundtable #cw

Tim (N7KOM) will walk us through the Morse Runner program and how to set it up to better our copying skills.

Morse Runner download:
Morse Runner Callsign Database editor:
General Morse Runner Demo:

Links to Dropbox for 3 & 4 character callsigns



Another method, Kirk is hosting a zip file on Morse Code Ninja site. Link below.

I recommend Long Island CW Club for learning CW.

Follow me on the social networks
Twitter – @kyleaa0z
TikTok – @kyleaa0z

Ham Radio Trivia – I play ham radio trivia every month on my YouTube channel. Play for free on Kahoot while watching the stream. Follow my Twitter for times.

The new CW Operators are:

The mentors are:

#hamradio #cw #morsecode #newcwoperators #roundtable #bug #cootie #paddle #learningcw #cwmorse #13wpmhump #pota #sota #portable #iambic