Come hang out with me as we review all the things going on for Dayton Hamvention 2023. I’ll review the Thursday events, the after events Hamvention and also we’ll run through the vendors. You’ll be surprised on who’s going to be there.
00:00 Intro
03:08 Flying to Hamvention
04:25 Hotel Rooms in Dayton
07:00 Avoiding Traffic
08:40 Parking tips
13:00 Hamvention Layout
19:52 Forums Review
28:00 Camping
30:00 Dinners and After Parties
52:02 YouTubers Meetup
55:30 Vendor Review
1:02:15 Flea Market Review
1:04:15 Meetups
1:08:15 Forums Map
1:10:30 Sunday To Do
1:15:00 Misc Stuff
1:23:45 APRS Traffic
1:27:46 Hamvention Bingo
Hamvention Website – https://hamvention.org/
Contest University – https://www.contestuniversity.com/
FDIM – https://www.qrparci.org/fdim
Spurious Emission band on Friday at the Hope Hotel after the top Band Dinner
CW Ops Dinner – https://cwops.org/contact-us/events/cwops-2023-hamvention-dinner/
Flex Dinner – https://community.flexradio.com/discussion/8028206/dayton-2023-banquet-tickets-now-available
AMSAT/TAPR Dinner – https://www.amsat.org/hamvention-social-events/
DX Dinner – https://swodxaevents.org/latest-news/
D-star Infocon – http://www.dstarinfo.com/content-for-page-d-star-infocon–dayton-hamvention-2023.aspx
Collegiate Dinner – https://partey.io/2gweAW7P0F6u
Saturday Night – YouTubers meetup at the Troll Pub – https://goo.gl/maps/1frRLZdGK3Zh8ZQC6
SOTA Meetup – SOTA Meetup on Saturday afternoon. We will meet between Buildings 2 & 3, near the bleachers, at 1:30pm
TOADs meetup – 11am Saturday at the Flag Pole
VOA Tour – https://wc8voa.org/hamvention/
Air Force Museum – https://www.nationalmuseum.af.mil/
#dayton #hamvention #hamfest #hamradio #contestuniversity #FDIM #daytonhamvention #greencountyfairgrounds
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Twitter – @kyleaa0z
TikTok – @kyleaa0z
Ham Radio Trivia – I play ham radio trivia every month on my YouTube channel. Play for free on Kahoot while watching the stream. Follow my Twitter for details.