Kyle - AA0Z Youtube

LIVE Flash Stream! – Lets Make Some Contacts & Hunt POTA

LIVE Flash Stream!  - Lets Make Some Contacts & Hunt POTA

Hang out with me while I do some POTA hunting. Let’s also throw some frequencies out there and see if we can make a contact to two.


Kyle - AA0Z Youtube

Secure Any Pole for Antennas – #shorts

Secure Any Pole for Antennas - #shorts

Quick method on how to secure a telescoping pole if you can’t latch it to a tree or stake in the ground.

Follow me on TikTok. @kyleaa0z
Follow me on Twitter. @kyleaa0z


Kyle - AA0Z Youtube

Hakko Battery Operated Soldering Iron FX-901Review

Hakko Battery Operated Soldering Iron FX-901Review

In this video I review the battery operated 6W FX-901 soldering iron.

As an Amazon Associate/Affiliates I earn a small commission from qualifying purchases.

Hakko Soldering Iron

Kyle - AA0Z Youtube

Dayton Hamvention 2022 Recap

Dayton Hamvention 2022 Recap

Join me as I share my experiences during Hamvention 2022

#hamvention2022 #hamvention #dayton #hamradio

Kyle - AA0Z Youtube

QSO Party Live! – 7th Area, New England, IN and DE QSO Party Contests

QSO Party Live! - 7th Area, New England, IN and DE QSO Party Contests

Come join me live as I make some contacts for a great QSO party weekend. I’m also going to show off my new Node Red contesting dashboard in SO1V/SO2R mode.

#hamradio #contesting #qsoparty

Kyle - AA0Z Youtube

Practice CW with!!!

Practice CW with!!!

Morsle is a new website where you can practice your Morse Code online. It’s located at

Slash is not included….

Kyle - AA0Z Youtube

Radio In A Box (RIB) Discussion with Greg W6IZT

Radio In A Box (RIB) Discussion with Greg W6IZT

I welcome Greg W6IZT to the channel where we talk about the Radio In A Box (RIB) design for DXpeditions.

Kyle - AA0Z Youtube

NA SSB Sprint Contest Live!!!!

NA SSB Sprint Contest Live!!!!

Come join me live as I make some contacts for the NA SSB Sprint contest. I’m also going to show off my new Node Red contesting dashboard in SO1V/SO2R mode.

#hamradio #contesting #nassbsprint

Kyle - AA0Z Youtube

TR4W Contest Logger Demo & Interview

TR4W Contest Logger Demo & Interview

Come join me as I interview Tom & demo the TR4W contest logger. We are going to talk about the ins and outs of this contest logging program. #TR4W #hamradio #contesting

Kyle - AA0Z Youtube

Ham Radio Trivia – Ham Radio Workbench vs ICQ Podcast

Ham Radio Trivia - Ham Radio Workbench vs ICQ Podcast

Trivia Battle of the Podcasts! The Ham Radio Workbench podcast folks take on the ICQ podcast for 3 rounds of ham radio trivia. Come see who takes the crown!!!