8 to 12" of snow is predicted for the St. Louis area. Watch live from south city St. Louis.
Kyle’s Videos
8 to 12" of snow is predicted for the St. Louis area. Watch live from south city St. Louis.
We will cover installing nodes to the pallet and importing your first flow. Learn how to debug a flow and also backup any flows.
Node Red Install – https://nodered.org/docs/getting-started/raspberrypi
Previous Video In This Series – Installing Node Red – https://youtu.be/jnLA_rL8TQQ
Install Node Red on a Raspberry Pi – https://youtu.be/SVcIEQa7Ecg (another video)
Groups.io – https://groups.io/g/nodered-hamradio/topics
Bookmarks (to come)
Come join me live as I make some contacts for Winter Field Day 2022.
We will cover how to install Node Red on a Raspberry Pi, review the web interface and also talk about some tips and tricks to make your programming experience smoother.
Previous Video In This Series – Raspberry Pi Prep Work – https://youtu.be/4jNbmGgvT2g
Install Node Red on a Raspberry Pi – https://youtu.be/SVcIEQa7Ecg
Groups.io – https://groups.io/g/nodered-hamradio/topics
Bookmarks (to come)
Come join me as I work some digital during the ARRL RTTY Roundup LIVE!!!!
Amateurs worldwide contact and exchange QSO information with other amateurs using digital modes (Baudot RTTY, PSK, FT8/FT4, ASCII, AMTOR, and Packet—attended operation only) on 80, 40, 20, 15, and 10 meter bands. Any station may work any other station. Stations may be worked once per band, regardless of mode. Automated operation is not permitted, each claimed contact must include contemporaneous direct initiation by the operator on both sides of the contact.
We will cover how to install Node Red on a Raspberry Pi.
Install Node Red on a Raspberry Pi – https://youtu.be/SVcIEQa7Ecg
Groups.io – https://groups.io/g/nodered-hamradio/topics
Join at https://kahoot.it. The code will be given before each round. Let’s see if the bots take over this month!
Join myself and other ham radio operators as we play 4 rounds of ham radio trivia live! You can play along at home with Kahoot on your phone, tablet or computer. Details on how to join the trivia contest will be given before each round. You don’t have to log into anything to play.
Come join me as I put together the HRWB Podcast DC Power Strip Kit live!
The kit can be found at https://www.digikey.com/en/products/detail/ham-radio-workbench-podcast/HRWB101/15822288?s=N4IgTCBcDaIBYEMC2ACATggJgSwPYgF0BfIA
We will cover how to place nodes on a dashboard and how to create tabs and groups for dashboard design. Lots of tips and tricks in this video about dashboard layout and how to get your dashboards looking pretty!!!
Install Node Red on a Raspberry Pi – https://youtu.be/SVcIEQa7Ecg
Groups.io – https://groups.io/g/nodered-hamradio/topics
We will cover how to install nodes from the pallet and how to import already built flows to get you up and going quickly. We will also be covering how to export (backup) your flows to your computer.
Install Node Red on a Raspberry Pi – https://youtu.be/SVcIEQa7Ecg
Groups.io – https://groups.io/g/nodered-hamradio/topics
4:00 Editor Overview
9:30 Loading Nodes to the Pallet
15:58 Updating Nodes
11:26 Importing a Flow
25:00 Resolving Missing Node Errors
38:30 Dashboard Items
43:30 How to Backup Your Flows
47:50 Complete Node Red Backup
51:54 Changing Debug Max Length
57:57 Standalone Flow Exporting