Kyle - AA0Z Youtube

13 Colonies Special Event Stations – July 1st thru July 7th 2021

13 Colonies Special Event Stations - July 1st thru July 7th 2021

Welcome Don (W1FYG) from Smoke Signals RF as we talk about the 13 Colonies event starting in July 1st, what it means to make a clean sweep, operating techniques on how to grab the event stations and other banter about the event.

Smoke Signals RF YouTube Channel

Kyle - AA0Z Youtube

Parachute Mobile with Carlos KD9OLN – How He Makes QSO’s

Parachute Mobile with Carlos KD9OLN - How He Makes QSO's

Join me live as I interview Carlos KD9OLN about his parachute mobile operation. We are going to get into the details about after he jumps out of the plane how he actually makes QSO’s. Come ask questions in the chat!

He has a YouTube channel at

His setup video is here :

Kyle - AA0Z Youtube

Ham Radio Trivia Live – Topic : Field Day June 7PM CDT – Come Play!

Ham Radio Trivia Live - Topic : Field Day June 7PM CDT - Come Play!

Join at The code will be given before each round.

Join myself and other ham radio operators as we play 4 rounds of ham radio trivia live! You can play along at home with Kahoot on your phone, tablet or computer. Details on how to join the trivia contest will be given before each round. You don’t have to log into anything to play.

Smoke Signals RF –

Kyle - AA0Z Youtube

R.I.P Crowne Plaza – New Venue for Hamvention 2022

R.I.P Crowne Plaza - New Venue for Hamvention 2022

The pre and post activities for Hamvention 2022 will be moving to a new location. Come take a look at where they are moving to and what the new facilities look like!

Kyle - AA0Z Youtube

Node Red for Ham Radio – Intro to Dashboards for Ham Radio #YTHF21

Node Red for Ham Radio - Intro to Dashboards for Ham Radio #YTHF21

In this live discussion I will get into a deeper dive into Node Red dashboards. I will include how to setup a basic dashboard configuration and get a dashboard up and running quickly and easily.

Part 1 – Intro to Node Red –
Part 2 – How to install Node Red on a Pi –

Kyle - AA0Z Youtube

Ham Radio Trivia Live – May Hamvention Trivia in June! 8PM CDT – Come Play!

Ham Radio Trivia Live - May Hamvention Trivia in June! 8PM CDT - Come Play!

Join at

Join myself and other ham radio operators as we play 4 rounds of ham radio trivia live! You can play along at home with Kahoot on your phone, tablet or computer. Details on how to join the trivia contest will be given before each round. You don’t have to log into anything to play.

Kyle - AA0Z Youtube

It’s not easy being green! #shorts

It's not easy being green! #shorts

Kyle - AA0Z Youtube

Node Red for Ham Radio – Intro to Dashboards for Ham Radio

Node Red for Ham Radio - Intro to Dashboards for Ham Radio #YTHF21

In this live discussion I will get into a deeper dive into Node Red dashboards. This will include how do create some basic configurations and get a dashboard up and running with configuring some general dashboard nodes.

Kyle - AA0Z Youtube

Node Red for Ham Radio – How to Install Node Red on a Raspberry Pi

Node Red for Ham Radio - How to Install Node Red on a Raspberry Pi

Short video on how to install Node Red from start to finish on a Raspberry Pi. Links and commands below that were used in the video.

Starter Kit –

//Raspberry Pi Imager Software –

//Raspberry Pi Commands

login : pi
password : raspberry

//To update the pi
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade

//To enable SSH and configure other system parameters
sudo raspi-config

//To change your pi password

//Putty download –

//To reboot the pi
sudo shutdown -r now

//Node Red Install command –

//To enable Node Red on bootup
sudo systemctl enable nodered.service

//To get into the interface of Node Red
http://IP of Raspberry Pi/:1880

//Headless Raspberry Pi Setup from first boot –

Kyle - AA0Z Youtube

JS8Call for Ham Radio – Make Contact With Us!

JS8Call for Ham Radio - Make Contact With Us!

Tom (N3WS) and myself will be hanging out on 40M using JS8Call while Tom schools me on how JS8Call works and how to make a contact.