Ham Radio Tv Youtube

2MC Net | Field Day Recap | 07-01-20

2MC Net | Field Day Recap | 07-01-20

#Ham #Radio #ARRL #2MC
INFO: If the weekly Anti-Net is not here it will be over on Nick’s / KN6DAL

This is the 2 Meter Crew Anti-Net / Tech Net. It’s on air every Wednesday night at 19:00 PST. We started this in the later part of 2019 as a bunch of local Hams to have a place and time to meet weekly to chat. This is not a net in the traditional way and everyone is a visitor. We take check-ins so we can circle back to people and give them a chance to chat. The 2 Meter Crew has a website where you can find more info and join the Crew (It’s Free) There is also a Facebook Group to join under “2MC”. As time has gone on we are always experimenting and trying new ways to communicate in the name of Ham Radio. EchoLink and AllStar was added in the beginning of 2020 to allow people globally to check in and join the fun. Also, we leave the links up all the time. So feel free to key up the repeater anytime.

Check Out Our Discord:

Primary EchoLink is W6VVR-R and Secondary is WG5EEK-L. You can also use our AllStar Node 51094

Live AllStar/EchoLink website & more:

This will LIVE stream every week unless my wife and kids have events or my day job won’t let me go home, lol.

If you want to hear about or present a topic, reach out to the MC Carlos / W6CRP. He is good on QRZ.

A huge thank you to the Vaca Valley Radio Club – W6VVR for the use of the repeater. It’s a great machine sitting on top of Mt. Vaca around 2,800 feet high, about 60 miles East from San Francisco. Link to club’s website:

Behind the Scenes:
I’m in my garage shack
Yaesu FT-991A is the radio
Mackie Mix12FX mixer
AKG Perception 120 condenser microphone on a boom
Three different Logitech webcams
The software is OBS
2020 Custom PC Build
Link to Build: