K6ARK Portable Radio Youtube

Propagation Event of a Lifetime, or an Internet Link by Happenstance?

Propagation Event of a Lifetime, or an Internet Link by Happenstance?

On July 24, 2021, around 1830 UTC, some potentially incredible 2m simplex contacts were made between a station in New Hampshire and about 20 stations in Southern California. Those contacts may have been part of some kind of incredible propagation event. Or they may have been the result of happenstance, via a set of internet linked transceivers at each end of the continent. Check out the video and let me know what YOU think made these contacts possible.

Big thanks to the @SoCal Simplex Archive for allowing me to share his recording as part of my video. Please check out the links below for more of the audio.

First call from NE1B:
First NE1B QSO:
W2CAZ/M CQ call:
Beginning of about 30 minutes of QSOs with NE1B:
Transmission with apparent packet loss: