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RRF details techniques avec Armel F4HWN (French only, RRF technical details, with English subtitles)

Voici une entrevue avec Armel F4HWN concernant les fondements techniques ainsi que les éléments composant la structure du RRF.

Here is an interview with Armel F4HWN concerning the technical foundations as well as the elements composing the structure of the RRF network. Sorry, Armel doesn’t speak English, so this interview is in French only, but for those interested in the details, you can activate Google translation in English. To translate in English, activate the video subtitle first (CC) and go into the video parameters and translate in the desire language, it’s not perfect but understandable. Thank you for your understanding.

Voici un lien vers la chaine YouTube d’Armel F4HWN / Below you will find a link to Armel F4HWN French YouTube channel

73 Pascal VA2PV