We put the portable antenna BuddiHEX to the test and WOW how amazing it is! Check out the contacts we made!
Build an EASY 10 Meter (28 MHz) Vertical Antenna for DX!
BuddiHEX: https://www.buddipole.com/buddihex2.html
MastWERX: https://www.buddipole.com/7mmatrandmas.html
Watch more recent videos here: https://www.youtube.com/c/HamRadioDX/videos
0:00 The BuddiHEX Hexbeam & SportTube
1:13 What’s in the bag
1:50 Setting up the MastWERX tripod
3:08 Putting the hexbeam together
4:40 The hub assembly
6:03 Arms/spreaders
10:09 Putting the wire elements on
13:41 Tensioning cord
14:34 Testing on Air
19:57 Front to Back signal
21:59 Comparing to our club station antenna
23:09 A surprise station pops up
23:28 Our thoughts of the antenna system
25:00 Some issues
Some links are affiliate and I may receive a small commission on sales
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► Gear I Recommend: https://www.amazon.com/shop/hamradiodx
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► Email: admin@hamradiodx.net (note due to high level of email – if you have a question the best way to contact is via the comments section of the video)
► Ham Mail: Hayden Honeywood – P.O Box 5071, Sandy Bay Tasmania 7005 Australia
#HamRadio #AmateurRadio #BuddiHEX
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Epidemic Sound: https://www.epidemicsound.com/