Unlocking the secrets of walkie talkie and HT range testing with my latest video. Discover why these devices are mosttly reliable at under 500 metres, and how factors like a clear line of sight as well as elevation (say on a hilltop) can increase or degrade performance. Join us as we examine the science behind walkie talkie antenna gain, and see some real-time software modeling of range on a real map.
Featuring (Retevis RB639) – here’s Fred’s video: https://youtu.be/jJCW5Y8XzgE
Experience tells us that walkie talkies are mostly reliable at around 500 metres. However, sometimes you can get a greater range, for instance if you are in the clear or on top of a hill. We look at why this is, the software used to check the gain and we can even model the range over a live map. Tune in to understand.
The supplier tells me there is a deal here.. Here they are:
2 Pcs: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0BDR5XG63?maas=maas_adg_BE6878F5B1A200D1F6BECE0066CE7910_afap_abs&ref_=aa_maas&tag=maas
4 Pcs: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0BDR7B4CV?maas=maas_adg_859E1348AA707250CD6165B81C07E077_afap_abs&ref_=aa_maas&tag=maas
10 Pcs: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0BDR8HQSJ?maas=maas_adg_AB6D41AF606952928FA229BAD8B32693_afap_abs&ref_=aa_maas&tag=maas
More videos:
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▶️ https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcC64tNkZB7xwhA0Msm_bNT4CQ_Bj5D4c Antennas
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