Kyle - AA0Z Youtube

How to Adjust Your First CW Key – New CW Operators Roundtable #cw

How to Adjust Your First CW Key - New CW Operators Roundtable #cw

The Roundtable welcomes TJ (K9KJ) to the stream as we discuss how to properly adjust your first CW key and what maintenance you’ll need to make sure your key performs for many years.

This topic will be a reoccurring series on this channel as we discuss many topics that pertain to new CW operators.

TJ’s Youtube Channel :

I recommend Long Island CW Club for learning CW.

Follow me on the social networks
Twitter – @kyleaa0z
TikTok – @kyleaa0z

Ham Radio Trivia – I play ham radio trivia every month on my YouTube channel. Play for free on Kahoot while watching the stream. Follow my Twitter for times.

The new CW Operators are:

The mentors are

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