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HRN 499: K1N Navassa: The Movie (coming to YouTube)

HRN 499: K1N Navassa: The Movie (coming to YouTube)
Another EARLY SHOW – 6:30pm Eastern

Back in 2015, Bob Allphin K4UEE led an intrepid band of DXedrs on a mission to activate the Most Needed DX entity (second only to North Korea) – Navassa Island. As usual, Bob documented the trip on video. But the guy who had edited most of Bob’s previous documentaries had retired, so he hired HamRadioNow’s Gary K4AAQ to cut the show together. Gary also provided the voiceover narration, interspersed with Bob’s on-camera narration.

The DVD sold pretty well. Lots of hams have seen it at club meetings. But lots of hams haven’t. And DVD sales have slowed to a trickle… well, it’s been 8 years. So Bob and Gary talked about it, and decided to put the documentary on YouTube — free to watch. We’ll turn on access to the documentary during this show.

Bob joins us on this episode to talk about the show, memories of the DXpedition, and a special ‘inventory clearance’ offer of the DVDs of the three DXpeditions still on his shelves.

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