Red Summit RF Youtube

Electronics Buildathon #2 – LIVESTREAM – CP SIGHTer Morse Code Signal Light

In this 2-3 hour electronics buildathon we will be building Rex Harper’s CP SIGHTer. It is a device that fits in the antenna line on the output of your Tuna Tin 2, or other QRP transmitter, and lights up a vacuum tube in sync with you outgoing CW signal going out into the ether. It is a completely frivolous item for your QRP station but it sure looks cool in operation.. AND it is a pretty simple design that beginner & experienced builders can easily build in a single LIVE streamed one night session.

As always, the Buildathon kit is only a vehicle to build while imparting knowledge and tips about the kit building process.

Rex Harper W1REX, Steven Houser N1SH, and I will be on this stream.

Purchase the kit here:

RCA Male to BNC Female Adapter:
Circuit Board Holder
Project Mat
Solder Tip Cleaner

Join us as we talk about how YOU can get involved in ham radio and other electronics kit builds in this special livestream series.

Charlie NJ7V @NJ7V_

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#Electroncis #STEM #HamRadio #CW #MorseCode #SOTA #POTA