DX Commander Youtube

*NEW* 2024 Spec Rapide PLUS DX Commander

*NEW* 2024 Spec Rapide PLUS DX Commander

This is the new Rapide +PLUS+ that includes a new alloy base and cap and ground mounted post for guyless operation. Perfect for HOA or those folks that still want a no-compromise, low impact antenna but with a small footprint. Available direct from the factory, or from DX Engineering and also Martin Lynch. Cut chart / user guide here:

DX Commander Rapide PLUS Self-Supporting (40m – 6m)

DX Commander Youtube

Fascinating – Skin Effect and Cage Dipoles & Verticals for Wide-Banding Dipoles and Verticals

Fascinating - Skin Effect and Cage Dipoles & Verticals for Wide-Banding Dipoles and Verticals

A cage dipole is a number of elements spread out in a "cage" all connected together to make effectively a larger "skin effect" (surface area) antenna. John and I look at two solutions for wide-banding antennas. We also discuss skin effect and consider if this is the success of the DX Commander? Answers on a postcard please! Callum.

DX Commander Youtube

SHORT 2 degrees off horizon #hamradio #propagation #antennas

SHORT 2 degrees off horizon #hamradio #propagation #antennas

What elevation will this be coming in at. Suggest 1-2 degrees.

DX Commander Youtube

Birthday Stream Saturday Morning

Birthday Stream Saturday Morning

Just Cruising HF and having a blast

DX Commander Youtube

More Band Police! #hamradio #bandpolice

More Band Police! #hamradio #bandpolice

DX Commander Youtube

Amazing New Software for New Ham Radio Operators – Toys and More!

Amazing New Software for New Ham Radio Operators - Toys and More!

Incredible new logging software from Stu G5STU. He runs through full installation with me and showed me all the toys. Join us as we go through everything!

▶️ – Stu’s channel
▶️ – StationMaster

More videos:
▶️ Antenna Modelling
▶️ Tips and Tricks
▶️ Antennas
▶️ Live Streams
▶️ My Stuff
▶️ Ham Radio Training

DX Commander Youtube

DX Commander Emily YL M6ELM runs Pile Up on 40m

DX Commander Emily YL M6ELM runs Pile Up on 40m

Emily M6ELM jumped on the radio and ran a few stations on 40m today later on my stream.. Quite a surprise!

DX Commander Youtube

Testing out some new stuff – Say Hello..!

Testing out some new stuff - Say Hello..!

Just cruising around and testing out a new layout blah blah.. Just for fun.

DX Commander Youtube

Could We Phase TWO Multiband Verticals Antennas Together?

Could We Phase TWO Multiband Verticals Antennas Together?

Fascinating concept about the potential of stacking tribanders horizontally and if this is possible, why can’t we use a PAIR of DX Commanders to achieve another 3-4dB in any direction? If you know the answer, let us know. See what you think. We discuss. 73, Callum.

DX Commander Youtube

Quick Blast on HF – Friday Morning

Quick Blast on HF - Friday Morning

ALl new hardware, both remote and streaming.. If something doesn’t go wrong, I’ll be amazed!