DX Commander Youtube

Kevlar Cored DX50 Antenna Wire – Be Quick!!

Kevlar Cored DX50 Antenna Wire - Be Quick!!

We need to get rid of 50 Reels of DX50 wire to free up some space. We’re doing these at ONLY £55 per reel plus shipping. Go here: and once gone, they’re gone! PS – You MIGHT want a doublet centre too? Here:

Have fun! Callum.

DX Commander Youtube

Special Announcement AT DX Commander HQ

Special Announcement AT DX Commander HQ

Today, we are announcing something quite special.. Please tune in and hear the news! Callum.

DX Commander Youtube

How does a 4-Square Antenna Array Work?

How does a 4-Square Antenna Array Work?

Looking at the 4-square array, often used by Ham Radio operators seeking both gain and front-to-back on the lower bands. When you have amazing front-to-back ratio, you will hear better regardless because 75% of your receive is now effectively obscured by the f/b ratio. Fascinating discussion. I have ordered one – and will be using 4 x DX Commander Sig 9 poles 🙂 Callum.

DX Commander Youtube

Basic Principles of Cheap Wire Antennas for Newbies in Ham Radio

Basic Principles of Cheap Wire Antennas for Newbies in Ham Radio

Correction at 33:21 – frequency should be lower – around 6.95MHz. Cheap and Easy.. A Free Lunch for Ham Radio operators. Verticals, dipoles, delta loops, DX or daytime QSOs. Why you need at least THREE antennas.


Originally presented to Northern Colorado Amateur Radio Club on Jan 20th 2024.

More videos:
▶️ Antenna Modelling
▶️ Tips and Tricks
▶️ Antennas
▶️ Live Streams
▶️ My Stuff
▶️ Ham Radio Training

DX Commander Youtube

DX Commander Ham Radio Expedition Antenna #hamradio

DX Commander Ham Radio Expedition Antenna #hamradio

One of my best antennas!

DX Commander Youtube

Massive Cock Up – Ham Radio Shack Tour Update

Massive Cock Up - Ham Radio Shack Tour Update

After all that work, it doesn’t fit! But everything else works, so maybe a win after all. Callum.

DX Commander Youtube

Simplifying the 2-Element Vertical Christan Method Phased Array with John NJ4Z

Simplifying the 2-Element Vertical Christan Method Phased Array with John NJ4Z

We discuss the simple 2-element phased array, the Christman Method and why 71 and 84 degrees are so important for the phase lines. What pitfalls you are likely to encounter. Is the gain worth it? What is the front-to-back? Basically.. is it worth it..? This follows on from this video:
John’s files are here:
Callum (& John).

DX Commander Youtube

Did we make an error with the Triangular Array?

Did we make an error with the Triangular Array?

We discuss my triangular box of tricks that John made for us a couple of years ago and go into detail regarding the phasing lines, the delay line and the dimensions. Join us for a chat. Callum.

DX Commander Youtube

Perfect Antenna Strategy for Small Plots

Perfect Antenna Strategy for Small Plots

The ultimate antenna design for the new Ham Radio operator with a small back yard / garden. Callum suggests going with a multi-band vertical, a Loop on Ground (dedicated receive antenna) and also a low-to-ground dipole for 40m. John suggests similar but with options for half-wave-end-far or maybe off-centre-fed dipole. What would you do..? Callum.

Loop on Ground

More videos:
▶️ Antenna Modelling
▶️ Tips and Tricks
▶️ Antennas
▶️ Live Streams
▶️ My Stuff
▶️ Ham Radio Training

DX Commander Youtube

CRAZY 40m SSB Pileup England-USA #hamradio

CRAZY 40m SSB Pileup England-USA #hamradio

The most bizarre and fantastic conditions for 30 minutes at around 23:00 UTC between North America and England (January 2024).