I’m remote at home, just cruising HF. See what happens. Anything can..! 73, Callum.
Callum’s Videos
I’m remote at home, just cruising HF. See what happens. Anything can..! 73, Callum.
Paul asked if he could operate his fancy Special Event call from the factory. Be kind folks, not sure if Paul has ever live-streamed before 🙂 73 Callum.
I was going to do a Remote Session but too busy. I’ll be at th factory on Friday to sort a ton of stuff out. Join in the Lie Chat, listen or call in. Just having some fun here, promoting Ham Radio. 73. Callum.
Sitting in Cornwall. Station 200 miles away. Let’s see how it works! C.
TS-990s with DX Commander and some dedicated receiving antennas. I’m calling CQ and looking for some contacts. Help me out and join in the fun! Callum.
Remote Controlled Mains Shack Power Up / Down. I use this to fire up the Kenwood TS-990s, Acom 2000, the 12V PSU and also my Windows PC machine. I also discovered a cool hack to start the Acom 2000 remote by shorting out pins 5 and 9 on the remote controller for 1-second. Enjoy. Back soon!
PS – Thanks to a LOT of folks who helped me out on the Chatterbox channel on the DXCommander Discord Channel discord.io/dxcommander, particularly Matt G1PPH.
UK Shelly 1 and 4PM:
https://shellystore.co.uk/product/shelly-1/ (Shelly 1)
https://shellystore.co.uk/product/shelly-pro-4pm/ (Shelly 4PM)
USA, go here:
This could be a good laugh. How many things can go wrong today? Now with full remote on/off and monitoring of my ACOM 2000 too. If it works! LOL Callum.
I am remote controlling my station today, so anything can happen. We are starting earlier today to get more on 80m and 40m before moving to 20m and upwards. Remote Control: The more parts you put into a system, the higher the chance of something breaking. Perhaps we next need a UPS as a backup! That’s for another day though. Let’s have some fun! Callum.
Today, I am using Chrome Remote Desktop, SonoBus for audio, ARCP990 for rig control, N1MM and an HDMI capture card to show the 990 screen on the host machine. The Com is currently in a Webcam but I have ordered a cable so I can work with ACOM Director software to see what the amplifier is doing.
Anyway, have a play along, see if you can hear me or just join in the chat.
In this video, I briefly walk you through how to remote control any radio with a CAT port and soundcard ability. This is what I use:
Chrome Remote Desktop (for desktop)
Discord (for Voice)
ARCP 990 but ANY control program will work
Camdesk 1.2.1 (for webcam window to amplifier)
TS990 display via an HDMI capture card (and Camdesk again)
I run 2 x serial ports, one for N1MM and one for Kenwood’s ARCP 990 (ethernet port currently broken)
Next up is full control of Acom 2000 amplifier
I would really enjoy a PTT but currently only VOX
Yes, I know I can do this with a FLEX or a TON of other control systems that cost money – but it’s what I had lying around – and a bit of ingenuity that all Ham Radio operators enjoy – and I wanted this extra functionality FREE!
Callum, M0MCX.