Peaked at around 250 per hour – but only for around 3-minutes!
Callum’s Videos
Peaked at around 250 per hour – but only for around 3-minutes!
You told me to make it. I did! 15m, 12m and 10m – or 11m/CB, it doesn’t matter. If you want more, hit Subscribe and you will be notified. As used on 10m CQWW 2022.
NO TALKING – The Ultimate CB/HF Antenna went LIVE this weekend, watch the full build and test. Covers 15m, 12m and 10m. It is also an 11m / CB antenna too – but that story for another day. Callum, M0MCX. DX Commander.
Busy on the contest.. Join in and see if you can have some fun with me.. Callum, M0MCX.
Using my new experimental Evo Hybrid antenna, let’s see how it works during a contest.. I’m ONLY on 10m band, so I can’t QSY. Thanks! Callum.
I’m using the new Triband 15, 12 and 10m SkyLab StarDuster thingy I just built. Needs couple inches off 10m band to bring to perfect resonance but I can live with 1.5:1 SWR! See you there! Callum.
I show you how I built the feedpoint for the tri-band Elevated Radial SkyLab Starduster. Now, it’s 15m, 12m and 10m target frequencies. Will this work? I don’t know yet..! Callum.
How to build a half-square antenna and let us look at the gain structure. Maybe a 40m band project. Ideal if you have some trees maybe? Callum.
Apart from the answer I give here, also be careful of your bonding between your mesh – and your ground connection. Each connection between the chicken wire joints would make a junction. Thousands of diode-like junctions on the ground under your antenna would be a noise machine. You have been warned 🙂
How quickly did my 1,000 feet / 300m or so of copper radials disappear in the grass? Days! Some good data here. Enjoy. Callum.