DX Commander Youtube

Very LARGE and Very “small” Numbers – International SI Units

Very LARGE and Very

Micro, Milli, Kilo, Mega and Giga. We don’t normally write 132,000 Volts (for instance), instead we write 132kV or 132mV or 132uV or even 132MV. What are these symbols and how do we use them? This is the International System of Units which is the world’s most widely used system of measurement and today we cover micro, milli, kilo, Mega and Giga.
More here:

Regards, Callum, M0MCX

More videos: Antenna Modelling Tips and Tricks Antennas Live Streams My Stuff Ham Radio Training

DX Commander Youtube

Listening on HF from England

Listening on HF from England

Callum’s Friday stream on HF. I can hear some stations but it’s not strong. Let’s have a play.. Using callsign M0XXT. Callum.

DX Commander Youtube

N1MM Logger for total Beginners – DX or Contest Logging

N1MM Logger for total Beginners - DX or Contest Logging

Many people ask me what logging sotware I use. It’s N1MM and is exremely popular with both DXpeditions and Contesters alike. I use it both for general logging and when I enter contests too. You can also keep your FT8 logs safe. I only scratch under the surface of N1MM. The capabilities are huge. Enjoy! Callum, M0MCX.

More videos: Antenna Modelling Tips and Tricks Antennas Live Streams My Stuff Ham Radio Training

DX Commander Youtube

PORTABLE Ham Radio – This is How We Did It

PORTABLE Ham Radio - This is How We Did It

So many questions from folks how we put this weekend on. What antennas did we use, what radios, what batteries etc. Lots of ways of doing this. We discuss the best and most economical portable solutions for EmComm and /P Ham Radio. Follow THIS link for the 5 minute video of what we did:

DX Commander Youtube

Ham Radio EmComm HF/VHF Test at 1,500 feet / 500m

Ham Radio EmComm HF/VHF Test at 1,500 feet / 500m

We had an amazing 24 hours scoring nearly 500 contacts. We JUST missed a VK station but worked every other continent and over 50 countries. All on 100 watts and a TS-590SG (and a TS-2000 for VHF). Thanks to Tom M0RMY, Tim M0URX, Jonathan M0JSX, Carl M0SZT and Mike M0MSN for the fun and games.

DX Commander Youtube

Flat-Top VS Inverted-V Dipole Antennas

Flat-Top VS Inverted-V Dipole Antennas

Dipoles for Ham Radio are the basis of almost all antennas. But what is the difference between a flat-top and an inverted V dipole? Is an Inverted V more omni-directional..? Let’s take a look. Callum, M0MCX.

DX Commander Youtube

Solar Storm means HF might be a bit tough!

Solar Storm means HF might be a bit tough!

20m might be interesting after we finish on 80m. We will attempt some contacts and see what happens. Callum.

DX Commander Youtube

Sunday Morning from England – Ham Radio from Hill of England

Sunday Morning from England - Ham Radio from Hill of England

We’re still live from 1,500 feet: Tom M0RMY, Jonathan M0JSX, Carl M0SZT, Callum M0MCX, Tim M0URX and Mike M0MSN. We are HF and VHF. Internet is VERY FLAKY! Callum.

DX Commander Youtube

Part 4 – Early Morning from England – DX Special from the Hills Of Shropshire

Part 4 - Early Morning from England - DX Special from the Hills Of Shropshire

Live from 1,500 feet: Tom M0RMY, Jonathan M0JSX, Carl M0SZT, Callum M0MCX, Tim M0URX and Mike M0MSN. We are HF and VHF. Internet is VERY FLAKY! Callum.

DX Commander Youtube

Part 3 – DX Dusk from the Hills Of Shropshire

Part 3 - DX Dusk from the Hills Of Shropshire

Live from 1,500 feet: Tom M0RMY, Jonathan M0JSX, Carl M0SZT, Callum M0MCX, Tim M0URX and Mike M0MSN. We are HF and VHF. Internet is VERY FLAKY! Callum.