DX Commander Youtube

Part 2 – DX Dusk from the Hills Of Shropshire

Part 2 - DX Dusk from the Hills Of Shropshire

Live from 1,500 feet: Tom M0RMY, Jonathan M0JSX, Carl M0SZT, Callum M0MCX, Tim M0URX and Mike M0MSN. We are HF and VHF. Internet is VERY FLAKY! Callum.

DX Commander Youtube

Part 1 DX from the Hills

Part 1 DX from the Hills

Live from 1,500 feet: Tom M0RMY, Jonathan M0JSX, Carl M0SZT, Callum M0MCX, Tim M0URX and Mike M0MSN. We are HF and VHF. Internet is VERY FLAKY! Callum.

DX Commander Youtube

Q&A – How Much is Ham Radio Discussion

Q&A - How Much is Ham Radio Discussion

In the previous video – I showed how it’s possible to set up a pretty good station for around 1,000 notes. Let’s untangle this and see if we can trim some off the budget.

DX Commander Youtube

Fascinating Large Triangle Loop Antennas – The Mega-Loop

Fascinating Large Triangle Loop Antennas - The Mega-Loop

Many people have built one of these. They display some incredible characteristics higher up the frequency range, particularly on 20m and up. But still outstanding on 80m and 40m too. If you have the space, please build one! Callum, M0MCX.
Here is the Vertical vs Dipole debate:

DX Commander Youtube

Part 2 No Baloney – Just Playing with RF – Live Ham Radio

Part 2 No Baloney - Just Playing with RF - Live Ham Radio

It’s Friday again and I’m on HF. I have NO idea what conditions will be like but we can try for some contacts. Join in, chat or call me. I don’t mind. I just love my hobby! Using club callsign M0XXT and logging software is N1MM. 73, Callum.

DX Commander Youtube

No Baloney – Just Playing with RF – Live Ham Radio

No Baloney - Just Playing with RF - Live Ham Radio

It’s Friday again and I’m on HF. I have NO idea what conditions will be like but we can try for some contacts. Join in, chat or call me. I don’t mind. I just love my hobby! Using club callsign M0XXT and logging software is N1MM. 73, Callum.

DX Commander Youtube

The Ultimate CB / 11m Antenna?

The Ultimate CB / 11m Antenna?

Rember the Starduster? Why don’t we make a copy of this out of wire and put it up 18m or 60 feet? We can make this from wire and have the legs as guys! Let me know what you think and if there is enough support, we’ll build it. Callum, M0MCX.

DX Commander Youtube

How Much is Ham Radio?

How Much is Ham Radio?

Any hobby done well is expensive. Fishing and Golf cost about a THOUSAND notes to get into – so does Astrophotography (for instance). But how much can we build our first station for? Let’s have a look. 73, Callum, M0MCX.

DX Commander Youtube

Free wire for anyone local? NO GONE THANK YOU!

Free wire for anyone local? NO GONE THANK YOU!

I’m getting rid of all this wire (it’s gone now already!). If you want 2nd reserve in case Aaron can’t make it, leave a comment 🙂

DX Commander Youtube

Regular Man Fits PL259 Coax Connectors

Regular Man Fits PL259 Coax Connectors

Not all PL259s are the same. The newer designs are a superior design and accurate. Anyway, I nearly cock this up. Perhaps rate me out of 10! Callum.