DX Commander Youtube

The Ultimate Ham Radio Dipole Guide #hrmn

The Ultimate Ham Radio Dipole Guide #hrmn

In this (Live) video, we will look at:
What is a Dipole
Coax or Balanced feeder
How they work?
Dipole or Doublet
Do we need a chokeChoke
How do we connect to the feedpoint
Shapes, Flat Top or Inv V – and Z shapes etc
How Height above ground changes tune
What happens to your signal (when we change the height)
Enjoy! Callum.

DX Commander Youtube

How High Should My HexBeam Antenna Be?

How High Should My HexBeam Antenna Be?

Ham Radio Antennas normally work better at height. The Hexbeam is no exception and although a result can be achieved from about 6m AGL, for the 20m band – we ought to be looking at least around half a wavelength. Let’s have a look at the problem and understand the physics. Callum M0MCX.

DX Commander Youtube

Why I can’t hear your Ham Radio Callsign (sometimes!)

Why I can't hear your Ham Radio Callsign (sometimes!)

People not hearing you on Amateur Radio? Maybe I have the answer. Callum.

DX Commander Youtube

Friday Lunchtime on Ham Radio / Shortwave Live (12:00 local / 11:00 UTC)

Friday Lunchtime on Ham Radio / Shortwave Live (12:00 local / 11:00 UTC)

Anything can happen – and it often does! See if you can hear me, join in – or just chat on the live-stream live-chat. Enjoy and have fun!

DX Commander Youtube

Am I Giving Out the Wrong Signal Reports?

Am I Giving Out the Wrong Signal Reports?

Ham Radio Signal Reports – Maybe we’ve got it all wrong? Let’s find out! Callum.

DX Commander Youtube

10-Min Tear-Down DX Commander Expedition Antenna

10-Min Tear-Down DX Commander Expedition Antenna

My Holiday Ham Radio Antenna. NOTE: I used a Classic Stay-Up kit as an experiment. These are not normally supplied but I was away for 2-weeks and was running some tests with a number of different clamps. TWO are normally supplied with the DX Commander Expedition Kit as at June 2022. Price for the Expedition antenna is currently £209 and gives me 40, 20, 17, 15, 10 and 6m (No ATU). Tom M0RMY put his up (and down!) every day when he walked around Isle of Arran with this and the IC-705, solar power and a battery. He says he got the erection and tear-down to around 7-minutes. Tom’s channel is: – Check out the little Easter Egg at 5:54 (drone!). Thanks to everyone who joined in! 73, Callum, M0MCX.

DX Commander Youtube

Callum’s Ham Radio Live Stream on 40m and 20m

Callum's Ham Radio Live Stream on 40m and 20m

Last Stream from Cornwall. We pack up today and get back to work for Monday. Start on 40m but looking for DX also on 20m band. See you there. Callum.

DX Commander Youtube

Q&A followed by Live Stream on HF probably 40m and 20m

Q&A followed by Live Stream on HF probably 40m and 20m

This follows the Premiere where I discuss extremely long (very long!) wire antennas. Q&A followed by some reall RF from Cornwall using TS-590SG at 100W and DX Commander Expedition. Logging is via N1MM+ and the little spectrum thing is Friture (free download). Callum. M0MCX.

DX Commander Youtube

Portable Ham Radio – Have I got too much Stuff?

Portable Ham Radio - Have I got too much Stuff?

Always looking to trim back my /P amateur radio gear but I do like 100W and a laptop when I’m on holiday. I think I’m now at the minimum anyway. What about a headset? Got any ideas? Callum, M0MCX.

DX Commander Youtube

Ham Radio CQ CQ from Cornwall UK – Can You Hear Me?

Ham Radio CQ CQ from Cornwall UK - Can You Hear Me?

100W TS-590SG and a DX Commander Vertical from Bude Cornwall running N1MM logger. Antenna has about 25 radials, each about 3m long. Focussing on 40m and 20m but we also have 17m, 15m and 10m available. 73, Callum.