DX Commander Youtube

How to Operate in a Ham Radio Contest – Demo

How to Operate in a Ham Radio Contest - Demo

In this stream, I am attempting to show you in a LIVE format what a contest operator does and what they do. I am entering for FUN only and will supply a check-log. It so happens that both ARRL Field Day contest *and* King of Spain Contest ir running. Let’s have some fun. Callum.

DX Commander Youtube

5 Cheap Wire Antennas for New Ham Radio Operators

5 Cheap Wire Antennas for New Ham Radio Operators

Let’s look at some cheap wire antennas for new amateur radio ops and how to we put them up, what materials do we use and how do we multi-band them? Callum.

DX Commander Youtube

Back with a Friday Morning on HF – 20m and 40m

Back with a Friday Morning on HF - 20m and 40m

Ham Radio Special with TS590SG (100W), DX Commander Expedition and lots of enthusiasm! Join in, see if you can hear me or just enjoy the chat. Using my OWN callsign this time. Callum, M0MCX.

DX Commander Youtube

Fold the end of a Dipole Back – What’s Happening?

Fold the end of a Dipole Back - What's Happening?

This took me a few years to work out – folding back the end of a dipole or vertical antenna. But I got there in the end. There is no doubt a formula for this, but this is my practical experience. Here is the link to the Linear Loaded Dipole:

DX Commander Youtube

Calling CQ on HF mostly 20m and 40m – Can you Hear Me?

Calling CQ on HF mostly 20m and 40m - Can you Hear Me?

TS-590SG, 100W, DX Commander Expedition, 25 radials x 10 feet (3m) long. Looking for some HF fun.

DX Commander Youtube

Live from Cornwall on 40m and 20m calling CQ CQ via Ham Radio

Live from Cornwall on 40m and 20m calling CQ CQ via Ham Radio

Setup is TS-590SG, DX Commander Expedition, 100W. 25 small radials at around 3m long each. Bands available: 40m, 20m, 17m, 15m, 10m and 6m. See if you can hear me or join in the chat. Thanks for the fun!

DX Commander Youtube

Radio Signals: What happens if there’s a hill in the way?

Radio Signals: What happens if there's a hill in the way?

Let us understand what happens if you have a hill or mountain in the way of your radio signal because I recently published a video showing you what happens if you have a slope going towards the target! This is the other way around. We can calculate the angle between you and the hill and then work out the losses. 73. Callum.
Previous video:

DX Commander Youtube

How Long Should my Dipole Antenna be? CB or Ham Radio

How Long Should my Dipole Antenna be? CB or Ham Radio

Easy way of working out how long your dipole should be – and how to fix any errors using a simple calculator. Enjoy. Callum.

DX Commander Youtube

Ham Radio Portable – ONE TIP ONLY!

Ham Radio Portable - ONE TIP ONLY!

My Single TIP before any Portable, Field Day or Holiday ops. Callum.

DX Commander Youtube

Easy Model your First Loop Antenna in Software

Easy Model your First Loop Antenna in Software

Part 3 of the simple "how to model an antenna" series. Today, we cover the basic square loop at 10m (about 30 feet) high.
Previously (In order)