DX Commander Youtube

Tower Project – Disaster – When It Goes Wrong

Tower Project - Disaster - When It Goes Wrong

It went wrong. Can we fix it?

This is a 12m tower project for an HF Yagi / Quad etc. long story.. *BUT* the guys are dual-use as both a 40m 4-Square switchable antenna array – as well as the tower.

So there will be 4 vertical antennas coming off each guy point. Accuracy is mandatory for both the 4-square (impedance matching and gain etc) and you’ll see shortly in another video why they need to be spot on because when we move to a non-stretch Dyneema rope, all 4-guys need to have same tension when the tower is lowered and raised.

Further, the tower needs to be totally detuned from 40m so we have a fibreglass insulator to change the resonance to around 9MHz. We COULD add a further insulator above the rotator to move that to about 24MHz. More of that in later video. There will be a temporary yagi going up on the top of this tower which will give me time to develop the multi-band quad antenna.

The start of the construction is here:

"Part 1" is this one

We covered the planning of this tower on a previous video:

We also made a video about Quads – which is the target of this tower:

And here is some information about 4-Square antennas which will surround the tower (tower will be de-tuned off 40m):

The NEXT video in this series is when we fit the top of the tower, fit all the lines (ropes) and make the tower fully operational – as well as site the 4-vertical elements (non functional currently until we connect it).

The next video after that one in this series is to make a temporary yagi mono-bander for 20m and fire at USA. Then finally, rotator cable, ethernet, control wires etc up the pole.

Finally, we will lay the radials down for the 4-square and connect up the control box.

DX Commander Youtube

40 ft / 12m Tower Project – Guys and Rotator fitting

40 ft / 12m Tower Project - Guys and Rotator fitting

I drilled out the scaffold guys for the eye bolts, fitted the rotator, fitted the falling derrick system and the first scaffold tube to deliver the first piece of the tower.

DX Commander Youtube

We Survived Another HamFest

We Survived Another HamFest

This is the UK’s National Newark HamFest, the UK’s biggest. Lots of old friends, some mad jokes and a bit of fun. Thanks to Mike and Jonathan. – Mike Reacts!

DX Commander Youtube

Cool Tip for end of ELEMENTS (Dipoles and Verticals)

Cool Tip for end of ELEMENTS (Dipoles and Verticals)

Matt came up with this excellent contraption that you can either buy – or have printed off yourself. I LOVE them.

Matt’s store(s):
Download the "Antenna Element Clamp" here:
Buy a set of clamps here:

Good work Matt!

Previous video with Matt:

DX Commander Youtube

What REALLY Happened After the Open Day

What REALLY Happened After the Open Day

YouTubers after-party Confessions – The Open Day – That "VNA" video! – A P revious "Field Day" – Mike’s channel – Jonathan’s channel

DX Commander Youtube

*YOU* Can Operate This Station REMOTE in USA

*YOU* Can Operate This Station REMOTE in USA

5 Operating Stations, 8 towers and 52 antenna PLUS Remote-Control! *YOU* could be operating this 80 Yagi NEXT WEEK! Let’s find out more! Callum. w7rn’s official website Thanks Bobby for the tower footage

DX Commander Youtube

Cheap Voltage Resistance Multimeter for Workshop Use – Tesmen TM-510

Cheap Voltage Resistance Multimeter for Workshop Use - Tesmen TM-510

This multimeter is fully automatic – and has a trick up it’s sleeve.. Check this!
PS – this is the link they sent to me: – UK USA

DX Commander Youtube

This Might Be Weird

This Might Be Weird

Friday Night in the UK with the "CREW". Mike, Jonathan, etc. aactually – no idea who’s tuning up!

PS – Using Streamyard.. which is FREE – but if you want the HD version with ability to record etc then you can upgrade to a paid version: – end of public announcement!

DX Commander Youtube

I’m on 2m FM Calling “145 Alive”

I'm on 2m FM Calling

This is a UK initiative. At 13:00 Sunday, I will invite callers to join a Net. I have been allocated 145.375.

Once we get to 10-15 callers on the Net, I will invite each station to give Signal Reports for up to 3 stations, send any message and return the frequency to me and I will pass it to the next caller.

Let us know if you leave the Net. Time to break in will be given between callers.

Periodically, I will invite new joiners to the NET.

The Net ends at 16:00 (or before!)

DX Commander Youtube

My Free PC Toys and N1MM Logger – Not Click-Bait

My Free PC Toys and N1MM Logger - Not Click-Bait

I run a LOT of toys on my shack PC and because I live-stream the screen, lots of folks want a full explanation of my current setup. This is it. Enjoy and be inspired!