We’ve come a long way from the days when News Anchors told it like it is. Now days its putting out the party line. Soon enough we may very well see a tyranical government shut down alternative news sites & severly cripple social media. The one form of communication they can’t control is radio. Ham radio, GMRS, CB and MURS. Can we inform each other? How?
Join me this weekend on the Southern Idaho Preparedness Net . I’m breaking all the rules of ham radio this week. We’re talking about the southern border, civil war, and some situational awareness tips for navigating this brave new world of ours.
Wires X: Youtubers 40448
YSF Reflector: Youtubers 003/48
Please check out my other channel on Rumble.com/k6uda for 2A content from a cop’s perspective.
Normally, politics and hot topics are off limits in ham radio ( I guess so as not to upset the delicate sensibilites of the sad hams). With the SCOTUS ruling that the feds can remove Texas boarder fence, I see a very possible showdown between Texas & the feds which could lead to a succession movement or a hot civil war.
I’d like to invite you to join in on the net this weekend when we talk about situational awareness as it relates to what might happen, The Illegal immigrant problem, and I break every rule of ham radio. For those of you who can access WiresX, its room 40448 (The Idaho Command). YSF reflector 56026 (Youtubers).
If anyone happens to live in the boarder area of Texas, I’d love to get you live on the show to give a SITREP.
What does the split button do on a ham radio and why would you use it?
2 A Content from a Cop’s perspective: Rumble.com/K6UDA
Show Notes:
Join Me every Monday at Noon Mountain Time (1800 UTC) for the 2 Alpha Ham Radio Podcast Live. I’ll bring in short subjects that we can dive in and look at, you can bring up subjects to discuss. You can also join me as a guest on the show.
Join the show live : https://guest.ecamm.live/818a23d21
Wires X: Youtubers 40448
FCS Reflector: Youtubers 003/48
Please check out my other channel on Rumble.com/k6uda for 2A content from a cop’s perspective.
The ARRL is trying something that failed miserably about 5 years ago. The board is voting on a bylaw change known as Bylaw 46 or the code of conduct clause. I don’t know everything about it so I’m bringing in a few people who do. Listen to them, and listen to how we the membership can keep the ARRL’s business open and honest for the membership.
2 A Content from a Cop’s perspective: Rumble.com/K6UDA
Show Notes:
Join Me every Monday at Noon Mountain Time (1800 UTC) for the 2 Alpha Ham Radio Podcast Live. I’ll bring in short subjects that we can dive in and look at, you can bring up subjects to discuss. You can also join me as a guest on the show.
Join the show live : https://guest.ecamm.live/818a23d21
Wires X: Youtubers 40448
FCS Reflector: Youtubers 003/48
Please check out my other channel on Rumble.com/k6uda for 2A content from a cop’s perspective.
We’ve all thought of it, some have planned for it. An EMP or catastophic event happens leaving us in the 1850’s without thier technology. What do you do? Immediately? + 2 Hours, +8 Hours, +24,48 72? Long term?
I’m just asking the question. You’re giving us the answers. This is a homework assignment. Come prepared to participate.
Join in live on WiresX Node 40448, YSF reflector 56026 or Here on youtube.
When your cash isnt good enough. Economic Collapse, Hyperinflation, The Great Reset, The Mark Of the beast. It all leads to a place where we may be forced into a barter system.