This time on the net, lets discuss a serious concern of mine, surviving the rather harsh winters we get here in Idaho and the northern regions. Without electricity, we would be thrown back into the 1850’s without thier technology.
Bob K6UDA’s videos
This time on the net, lets discuss a serious concern of mine, surviving the rather harsh winters we get here in Idaho and the northern regions. Without electricity, we would be thrown back into the 1850’s without thier technology.
This is probably one of the easyist sounding but toughest tasks we all have to do in the preparedness world. Let’s talk about it today.
Join me on the net for discussion on traveling with your firearms, concealed carry outside Idaho, What’s inside your bugout bag?
Our Second net:
1. Roundtable: What have you done to prepare for the big one? Asking around the net.
2. Options for Budget Night Vision. Where to go to find quality Nightvision and options you should think about.
3. Laminated cards with frequencies, medical information, meetup locations and local map of AO.
4. Livestream comment: In case of invasion, an armband with group affilliation. Helps with POW status if captured.
5. Traveling Preppers – Traveling with your preps. Traveling with firearms / ammo.
We’re going to try something new. I’m calling it The Southern Idaho Preparedness Net. This net will meet on Saturday Mornings 0900Hrs Mountain Time. This will be a topic driven net where we will discuss survival and preparedness subjects such as:
Survival Strategies
Food Storage
Water Concerns
Personal protection
Emergency Communications
Community Building and concerns
This net will be hosted on the K6UDA repeater 444.500 +offset in digital mode. Also accessible from the Hansen Butte Repeater 145.170 digital mode and on analog radio on the 442.000 repeater.
You can point your wiresX node to room 40448 The Idaho Command
You can also get in using YSF Reflector 56026 Youtubers
I’m working on possible topics to get us started. If you have something you’d like to discuss, email
After Saturday’s net I’ve had questions about how people can get onto WiresX. Here’s a foolproof method. Build your own node. If you own a Yaesu fusion compatible radio, you have 1/3 of the ingredients necessary.
Join me on Saturday Mornings 0900 Mountain time where we discuss the real important issues facing us in the near future. WiresX room 40448, YSF 56026 Youtubers or catch the live stream.
2 A Content from a Cop’s perspective:
Show Notes:
Join Me every Monday at Noon Mountain Time (1800 UTC) for the 2 Alpha Ham Radio Podcast Live. I’ll bring in short subjects that we can dive in and look at, you can bring up subjects to discuss. You can also join me as a guest on the show.
Join the show live :
Wires X: Youtubers 40448
FCS Reflector: Youtubers 003/48
Please check out my other channel on for 2A content from a cop’s perspective.
A last minute livestream of the new Prepper Net live from the Southern Idaho Command
My friend Mike K7CAN joins me for this one to show us SOTAMAT. A very cool tool for spotting yourself when there’s no internet or cell service.
Go watch his videos at
2 A Content from a Cop’s perspective:
Show Notes:
Join Me every Monday at Noon Mountain Time (1800 UTC) for the 2 Alpha Ham Radio Podcast Live. I’ll bring in short subjects that we can dive in and look at, you can bring up subjects to discuss. You can also join me as a guest on the show.
Join the show live :
Wires X: Youtubers 40448
FCS Reflector: Youtubers 003/48
Please check out my other channel on for 2A content from a cop’s perspective.
A few months ago, I reviewed the Talkpod A36Plus. Aside from a few function issues, I generally liked the radio BUT. It splattered RF horribly. Talkpod said they fixed the problem, asked if they could send me another radio to update my review.
2 A Content from a Cop’s perspective:
Show Notes:
Join Me every Monday at Noon Mountain Time (1800 UTC) for the 2 Alpha Ham Radio Podcast Live. I’ll bring in short subjects that we can dive in and look at, you can bring up subjects to discuss. You can also join me as a guest on the show.
Join the show live :
Wires X: Youtubers 40448
FCS Reflector: Youtubers 003/48
Please check out my other channel on for 2A content from a cop’s perspective.
Join me This Saturday morning, 0900 Mountain time. YSF reflector 56026 Youtubers, WiresX room 40448 The Idaho Command or if your in the Magic Valley of Idaho, my local repeater 444.500 + offset.
I’m working on possible topics to get us started. If you have something you’d like to discuss, let me know here or email me.
2 A Content from a Cop’s perspective:
Show Notes:
Join Me every Monday at Noon Mountain Time (1800 UTC) for the 2 Alpha Ham Radio Podcast Live. I’ll bring in short subjects that we can dive in and look at, you can bring up subjects to discuss. You can also join me as a guest on the show.
Join the show live :
Wires X: Youtubers 40448
FCS Reflector: Youtubers 003/48
Please check out my other channel on for 2A content from a cop’s perspective.
Viewer Mail, Bob Rants.
2 A Content from a Cop’s perspective:
Show Notes:
Join Me every Monday at Noon Mountain Time (1800 UTC) for the 2 Alpha Ham Radio Podcast Live. I’ll bring in short subjects that we can dive in and look at, you can bring up subjects to discuss. You can also join me as a guest on the show.
Join the show live :
Wires X: Youtubers 40448
FCS Reflector: Youtubers 003/48
Please check out my other channel on for 2A content from a cop’s perspective.