In todays video I do some R&D on a new Fan Dipole antenna, Tuning, getting the wires seperated and try to make a few contacts to test it out.
#antenna, #dipole, #fan dipole
KK6USY Chuck’s Videos
In todays video I do some R&D on a new Fan Dipole antenna, Tuning, getting the wires seperated and try to make a few contacts to test it out.
#antenna, #dipole, #fan dipole
In this video I look at the Topshak 60 volt/ 5 amp power supply!
Power supply, https://ban.ggood.vip/13Gjn
Coupon code BG2fa71d
As a Amazon afilliate I may get a comission from products you purchase at no cost to you.
Milwaukee screw gun, https://amzn.to/3K99I0d
Battery charger, https://amzn.to/3z5wjEO
Battery, https://amzn.to/3lGDD6A
In this video I hook up an inverter, battery shunt and 14.5 amps of load on the Power Queen 300ah Lithium battery to see how many Amp Hours we can pull from this battery. I have links to different size batteries tha Power Queen sells and chargers. If you buy from my Amazon links it helps the channel at no cost to you and make sure to click the coupon if the product has one to save more.
As an Amazon affiliate I may receive a commission on some items sold
Power Queen 300ah battery, https://amzn.to/3LNR67x
Power Queen 100ah battery, https://amzn.to/42ijvrZ
Power Queen 200ah battery, https://amzn.to/3yImVqu
Power Queen 40a battery charger, https://amzn.to/3FsrSY8
Power Queen 20a battery charger, https://amzn.to/3JKIFIq
Power Queen 10a battery charger, https://amzn.to/3FvyaX0
Victron Energy Blue Smart IP65 12-Volt 15 amp Battery Charger (Bluetooth), https://amzn.to/3YW7ndd
In this video I show how you can hook a bluetooth dongle to the Elad FDM-DUO to hook a Android tablet wireless to have a waterfall screen.
As a Amazon afilliate I may get a comission from products you purchase at no cost to you.
DTech DB9 Breakout Connector, https://amzn.to/3mLVEkb
DSD TECH USB to TTL Serial Adapter, https://amzn.to/3mLM4Oj
DSD TECH HC-05 Bluetooth Serial Pass-through Module , https://amzn.to/400qBQ0
Videomaking BT device, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ji7p6YzrCgo&t=756s
written instruction for BT device, http://ganymedeham.blogspot.com/2020/08/elad-blueduo.html
I just purchased a used Elad FDM DUO Multi use SDR Transceiver. I would like to share some of what this small power house can do in a series of videos, so join in as I learn how this radio works
Elad USA, https://shop.elad-usa.com/
!#elad, #elad fdm-duo, #sdr,
I bought this SWR/Power meter to try it out and see if it was any good. Follow along as I test it out.
I purchased this from aliexpress.
#CQV-SWR120, #swr meter, p#power meter,
Martin Lynch and Sons are anouncing a pre sale of the ftm 500DE. This looks to be the latest offering from Yaesu and should be available to the US market once it passes the FCC regulations.
#yaesu, #hamradio, # dual band mobile,
In this video I show how I made an affordable HexBeam for portable use. Below I will have links to part and how to make all the parts of this antenna. I aslo 3D printed some of the parts those are only good for the actual products I used.
HexBeam instructions, https://www.hex-beam.com/description/
U-bolts, https://amzn.to/3kZ2XE0
Aluminum plate, https://amzn.to/40iwQ2G
fishing poles, look on ebay 7.2meter
paracord, https://amzn.to/3DqzxoM
#hexbeam, #portable, #portable hexbeam,
Get your meter here, https://amzn.to/3iVIaAP
Make sure to catch upcoming Coffee and Ham Radio live streams Saturdasy 9am central and Thursdays 7pm central for the giveaway!
#Tesmen, #Tesmen TM-510, #multimeter