KK6USY Ham Radio Adventures Youtube

Is the Elad FDM DUO Multi use SDR Transceiver the best QRP Radio?

Is the Elad FDM  DUO Multi use SDR Transceiver the best QRP Radio?

I just purchased a used Elad FDM DUO Multi use SDR Transceiver. I would like to share some of what this small power house can do in a series of videos, so join in as I learn how this radio works

Elad USA,

!#elad, #elad fdm-duo, #sdr,

KK6USY Ham Radio Adventures Youtube

CQV-SWR120 is this affordable SWR/POWER Meter any good?

CQV-SWR120 is this affordable SWR/POWER Meter any good?

I bought this SWR/Power meter to try it out and see if it was any good. Follow along as I test it out.

I purchased this from aliexpress.

#CQV-SWR120, #swr meter, p#power meter,

KK6USY Ham Radio Adventures Youtube

Yaesu FTM 500 DE First look!

Yaesu FTM 500 DE First look!

Martin Lynch and Sons are anouncing a pre sale of the ftm 500DE. This looks to be the latest offering from Yaesu and should be available to the US market once it passes the FCC regulations.

#yaesu, #hamradio, # dual band mobile,

KK6USY Ham Radio Adventures Youtube



KK6USY Ham Radio Adventures Youtube

Cheap DIY Portable HexBeam !

Cheap DIY Portable HexBeam !

In this video I show how I made an affordable HexBeam for portable use. Below I will have links to part and how to make all the parts of this antenna. I aslo 3D printed some of the parts those are only good for the actual products I used.

HexBeam instructions,
Aluminum plate,
fishing poles, look on ebay 7.2meter

#hexbeam, #portable, #portable hexbeam,

KK6USY Ham Radio Adventures Youtube

Tesmen TM 510. It is the most cost-effective and multimeter for basic household troubleshooting !

Tesmen TM 510. It is the most cost-effective and multimeter for basic household troubleshooting !

Get your meter here,
Make sure to catch upcoming Coffee and Ham Radio live streams Saturdasy 9am central and Thursdays 7pm central for the giveaway!

#Tesmen, #Tesmen TM-510, #multimeter

KK6USY Ham Radio Adventures Youtube

Listening on 27Mhz band In the early morning while10m was still quiet!

Listening on 27Mhz band In the early morning while10m was still quiet!

While trying to make a contact with Chris 2E0UHK in the UK I decided to just schroll the bands and the 27MHz band was "getting Down" lol. I was just listenig to all this having some fun.

#cb, #11m, #citizenband

KK6USY Ham Radio Adventures Youtube

Cheap DIY Power Supply for your IC-705, KX2, FT818 and other QRP Radios!

Cheap DIY Power Supply for your IC-705, KX2, FT818 and other QRP Radios!

In this video I show how I make a 4 amp powewr supply for low power radios.

#QRP, #powersupply , #hamradio

KK6USY Ham Radio Adventures Youtube

Yaesu Update- End of Production FTM-400 series and FT-818!

Yaesu Update- End of Production FTM-400 series and FT-818!

Yaesu has stopped prodution of the FTM 400 and FT818 radios.

KK6USY Ham Radio Adventures Youtube

Awesome Ham Radio Antenna Tripod!

Awesome Ham Radio Antenna Tripod!

In this video I review the new MK2 Gabil Tripod. GRA-ULT01 MK2 Lightweight Portable Antenna Mast Mount Tripod Tower UHF SO239 + 3/8" – 24 + 1/4 Camera Connector for GRA-7350T CB HF Ham Radio Amateur Outdoor Make sure you choose the new improved model.
Gabil tripod,