Get your meter here, https://amzn.to/3iVIaAP
Make sure to catch upcoming Coffee and Ham Radio live streams Saturdasy 9am central and Thursdays 7pm central for the giveaway!
#Tesmen, #Tesmen TM-510, #multimeter
KK6USY Chuck’s Videos
Get your meter here, https://amzn.to/3iVIaAP
Make sure to catch upcoming Coffee and Ham Radio live streams Saturdasy 9am central and Thursdays 7pm central for the giveaway!
#Tesmen, #Tesmen TM-510, #multimeter
While trying to make a contact with Chris 2E0UHK in the UK I decided to just schroll the bands and the 27MHz band was "getting Down" lol. I was just listenig to all this having some fun.
#cb, #11m, #citizenband
In this video I show how I make a 4 amp powewr supply for low power radios.
#QRP, #powersupply , #hamradio
Yaesu has stopped prodution of the FTM 400 and FT818 radios.
In this video I review the new MK2 Gabil Tripod. GRA-ULT01 MK2 Lightweight Portable Antenna Mast Mount Tripod Tower UHF SO239 + 3/8" – 24 + 1/4 Camera Connector for GRA-7350T CB HF Ham Radio Amateur Outdoor Make sure you choose the new improved model.
Gabil tripod, https://amzn.to/3PS8RSW
In this Video I try to heat a reall large Yurt 24 foot diameter thatis 15 feet tall in the center, Check it out and see how well it works!!
#dieselheater, #Yurt, #offgrid
Retevis just came out with this BlueTooth GMRS hand held radio!
Get this radio here, http://bit.ly/3V9H02u
#gmrs, #Handheldradio, #walkietalie,
In this video I talk about different types of wire and where you might want to use one type of wire over another in certain situations.
Coffee and Ham Radios antennas, https://coffee-and-ham-radios.square.site/
BNTECHGO 22 Gauge Silicone wire, https://amzn.to/3XZLfiW
BNTECHGO 26 Gauge Silicone wire, https://amzn.to/3Hbalp8
22 Gauge Red Black Speaker Wire, https://amzn.to/3uvU6LO
18AWG Speaker Wire, https://amzn.to/3Bfoeie
#hamradio, #antena1, #wire
This for an upcoming video you guys are going to like!
Out working on the Yurt and saw this guy taking care of an itch!