KK6USY Ham Radio Adventures Youtube

Tesmen TM 510. It is the most cost-effective and multimeter for basic household troubleshooting !

Tesmen TM 510. It is the most cost-effective and multimeter for basic household troubleshooting !

Get your meter here,
Make sure to catch upcoming Coffee and Ham Radio live streams Saturdasy 9am central and Thursdays 7pm central for the giveaway!

#Tesmen, #Tesmen TM-510, #multimeter

KK6USY Ham Radio Adventures Youtube

Listening on 27Mhz band In the early morning while10m was still quiet!

Listening on 27Mhz band In the early morning while10m was still quiet!

While trying to make a contact with Chris 2E0UHK in the UK I decided to just schroll the bands and the 27MHz band was "getting Down" lol. I was just listenig to all this having some fun.

#cb, #11m, #citizenband

KK6USY Ham Radio Adventures Youtube

Cheap DIY Power Supply for your IC-705, KX2, FT818 and other QRP Radios!

Cheap DIY Power Supply for your IC-705, KX2, FT818 and other QRP Radios!

In this video I show how I make a 4 amp powewr supply for low power radios.

#QRP, #powersupply , #hamradio

KK6USY Ham Radio Adventures Youtube

Yaesu Update- End of Production FTM-400 series and FT-818!

Yaesu Update- End of Production FTM-400 series and FT-818!

Yaesu has stopped prodution of the FTM 400 and FT818 radios.

KK6USY Ham Radio Adventures Youtube

Awesome Ham Radio Antenna Tripod!

Awesome Ham Radio Antenna Tripod!

In this video I review the new MK2 Gabil Tripod. GRA-ULT01 MK2 Lightweight Portable Antenna Mast Mount Tripod Tower UHF SO239 + 3/8" – 24 + 1/4 Camera Connector for GRA-7350T CB HF Ham Radio Amateur Outdoor Make sure you choose the new improved model.
Gabil tripod,

KK6USY Ham Radio Adventures Youtube

Can you heat a 24 foot Yurt with a Diesel Heater in a Box?

Can you heat a 24 foot Yurt with a Diesel Heater in a Box?

In this Video I try to heat a reall large Yurt 24 foot diameter thatis 15 feet tall in the center, Check it out and see how well it works!!

#dieselheater, #Yurt, #offgrid

KK6USY Ham Radio Adventures Youtube

Retevis RB89 High-Power GMRS radio with bluetooth headset, is this radio right for you?

Retevis RB89 High-Power GMRS radio with bluetooth headset, is this radio right for you?

Retevis just came out with this BlueTooth GMRS hand held radio!

Get this radio here,

#gmrs, #Handheldradio, #walkietalie,

KK6USY Ham Radio Adventures Youtube

What is the best Antenna Wire, for your DIY Antennas?

What is the best Antenna Wire, for your DIY Antennas?

In this video I talk about different types of wire and where you might want to use one type of wire over another in certain situations.

Coffee and Ham Radios antennas,
BNTECHGO 22 Gauge Silicone wire,
BNTECHGO 26 Gauge Silicone wire,
22 Gauge Red Black Speaker Wire,
18AWG Speaker Wire,

#hamradio, #antena1, #wire

KK6USY Ham Radio Adventures Youtube

Ham fish in #shorts

Ham fish in #shorts

This for an upcoming video you guys are going to like!

KK6USY Ham Radio Adventures Youtube

Scratching Tree!

Scratching Tree!

Out working on the Yurt and saw this guy taking care of an itch!
