Kyle - AA0Z Youtube

ARRL RTTY Roundup Jan 2022 Live Contesting

ARRL RTTY Roundup Jan 2022 Live Contesting

Come join me as I work some digital during the ARRL RTTY Roundup LIVE!!!!

Amateurs worldwide contact and exchange QSO information with other amateurs using digital modes (Baudot RTTY, PSK, FT8/FT4, ASCII, AMTOR, and Packet—attended operation only) on 80, 40, 20, 15, and 10 meter bands. Any station may work any other station. Stations may be worked once per band, regardless of mode. Automated operation is not permitted, each claimed contact must include contemporaneous direct initiation by the operator on both sides of the contact.

Kyle - AA0Z Youtube

ARRL RTTY Roundup Jan 2023 Live Contesting

ARRL RTTY Roundup Jan 2022 Live Contesting

Come join me as I work some digital during the ARRL RTTY Roundup LIVE!!!!

Amateurs worldwide contact and exchange QSO information with other amateurs using RTTY on 80, 40, 20, 15, and 10 meter bands. Any station may work any other station. Stations may be worked once per band, regardless of mode. Automated operation is not permitted, each claimed contact must include contemporaneous direct initiation by the operator on both sides of the contact.

Kyle - AA0Z Youtube

Why CW? – New CW Ops Roundtable

Why CW? - New CW Ops Roundtable

New CW Ops and CW mentors discuss why did we decide to learn CW. We will end the stream with some slow speed code practice.

This topic will be a reoccurring series on this channel as we discuss many topics that pertain to new CW ops.

Follow me on the social networks
Twitter – @kyleaa0z
TikTok – @kyleaa0z

Ham Radio Trivia – I play ham radio trivia every 3rd Friday on my YouTube channel. Play for free on Kahoot while watching the stream.

Kyle - AA0Z Youtube

Why CW? – New CW Ops Roundtable #cw #cwops

Why CW? - New CW Ops Roundtable

New CW Ops and CW mentors discuss why did we decide to learn CW. We will end the stream with some slow speed code practice.

This topic will be a reoccurring series on this channel as we discuss many topics that pertain to new CW ops.

Follow me on the social networks
Twitter – @kyleaa0z
TikTok – @kyleaa0z

Ham Radio Trivia – I play ham radio trivia every 3rd Friday on my YouTube channel. Play for free on Kahoot while watching the stream.

#cwops #hamradio #cw #morsecode

Kyle - AA0Z Youtube

9 Day POTA/SOTA Rove – Day 6

9 Day POTA/SOTA Rove - Day 6

We stay in Blowing Rock, NC for the night and then drive up the Blue Ridge Parkway and visit the Blue Ridge Parkway Music Center, activate Hawks Point State Park, Shot Tower State Park, drive through a tunnel and then finish the day with an activation of New River Gorge National Park.

Follow me on the social networks
Twitter – @kyleaa0z
TikTok – @kyleaa0z

Ham Radio Trivia – I play ham radio trivia every 3rd Friday on my YouTube channel. Play for free on Kahoot while watching the stream.

Kyle - AA0Z Youtube

RTTY Masterclass with Craig (K9CT)

RTTY Masterclass with Craig (K9CT)

Come join myself and top RTTY contester Craig (K9CT) as we discuss tips and tricks on how to make you a better RTTY contester.

Call Stacking –

Follow me on the social networks
Twitter – @kyleaa0z
TikTok – @kyleaa0z

Ham Radio Trivia – I play ham radio trivia every 3rd Friday on my YouTube channel. Play for free on Kahoot while watching the stream.

#hamradio #contesting #arrl #rtty

Kyle - AA0Z Youtube

Ham Radio Trivia Live – Dec 31st 6pm CST – Come Play!

Ham Radio Trivia Live - Dec 31st 6pm CST - Come Play!

Join at The code will be given before each round. Let’s see if the bots take over this month!

Join myself and other ham radio operators as we play 4 rounds of ham radio trivia live! You can play along at home with Kahoot on your phone, tablet or computer. Details on how to join the trivia contest will be given before each round. You don’t have to log into anything to play.

Kyle - AA0Z Youtube

Top RTTY Tips and Tricks with Craig (K9CT)

RTTY Masterclass with Craig (K9CT)

Come join myself and top RTTY contester Craig (K9CT) as we discuss tips and tricks on how to make you a better RTTY contester.

Follow me on the social networks
Twitter – @kyleaa0z
TikTok – @kyleaa0z

Ham Radio Trivia – I play ham radio trivia every 3rd Friday on my YouTube channel. Play for free on Kahoot while watching the stream.

#hamradio #contesting #arrl #rtty

Kyle - AA0Z Youtube

Missouri & Mississippi River Confluence 2fer POTA

Missouri & Mississippi River Confluence 2fer POTA

Come with me as I activate a 2fer POTA. As I make some contacts, we take a tour of where the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers come together just north of St. Louis, MO.

Follow me on the social networks
Twitter – @kyleaa0z
TikTok – @kyleaa0z

Ham Radio Trivia – I play ham radio trivia every 3rd Friday on my YouTube channel. Play for free on Kahoot while watching the stream.

#hamradio #pota #ft891 #yaesu #endfed #antenna

00:00 Intro
00:05 Driving
02:55 Antenna Setup
03:53 SSB Activation
13:32 Wrap Up
14:36 CW Activation

Kyle - AA0Z Youtube

ARRL 10M Contest LIVE!!!!

ARRL 10M Contest LIVE!!!!

Come join me live as I make some contacts for the ARRL 10M contest.

Follow me on the social networks
Twitter – @kyleaa0z
TikTok – @kyleaa0z

Ham Radio Trivia – I play ham radio trivia every 3rd Friday on my YouTube channel. Play for free on Kahoot while watching the stream.

#hamradio #contesting #arrl #arrl10m