Come join me live as I make some contacts for the CQ WW WXP SSB contest.
Kyle’s Videos
Come join me live as I make some contacts for the CQ WW WXP SSB contest.
In this live stream, we’ll answer questions that you bring to the chat. I’ll also show some cool things that the Groups IO members have been working on.
Join at https://kahoot.it.
Join myself and other ham radio operators as we play 4 rounds of ham radio trivia live! You can play along at home with Kahoot on your phone, tablet or computer. Details on how to join the trivia contest will be given before each round. You don’t have to log into anything to play.
Are you a contester? Do you ever wonder who makes the rules for contests and how rules are changed for US based contests? Today we talk with Glenn (W0GJ) my ARRL Midwest CAC chair about the CAC, what it does, how it effects how you contest and how you can voice your opinion about contesting rules.
8P1W works a pile up in the ARRL DX Contest. A quick video on the 30 second on-going pile up and how this operator works through the calls like a pro.
In this video we will review the following nodes to become more familiar with them. Change node, switch node, link in/out nodes, debug node, inject node, split and join nodes, delay nodes and trigger nodes and the exec node and filter node.
Digital Loggers Web Switch on Amazon – https://amzn.to/3LXrT8e
Node Red Training Playlist – https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLkusGKzKVbQCA3rc4U_d6t6sjsuru1tuD
FYI..I earn a small commission on Amazon affiliate links.
I’ll give a quick recap of Hamcation 2022 and show some video I took during the weekend.
In this video we will review a couple of flows to get your Digital Loggers Web Power Switch Pro up and running with Node Red. There are some settings in the unit you need to change for this flow to work correctly.
Digital Loggers Web Switch on Amazon – https://amzn.to/3LXrT8e
Node Red Training Playlist – https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLkusGKzKVbQCA3rc4U_d6t6sjsuru1tuD
FYI..I earn a small commission on Amazon affiliate links.
In this video we will review a couple of flows to get your Digital Loggers Web Power Switch Pro up and running with Node Red. There are some settings in the unit you need to change for this flow to work correctly. We will also review the auto ping settings to reboot your ISP modem if the internet fails.
Digital Loggers Web Switch on Amazon – https://amzn.to/3LXrT8e
Node Red Training Playlist – https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLkusGKzKVbQCA3rc4U_d6t6sjsuru1tuD
FYI..I earn a small commission on Amazon affiliate links.
8 to 12" of snow is predicted for the St. Louis area. Watch live from south city St. Louis.