Come with me as I take a tour of my workbench and where I test equipment.
Kyle’s Videos
Come with me as I take a tour of my workbench and where I test equipment.
In the summer of 2020, I gave a presentation to the Long Island CW Club about planning a POTA or SOTA activation.
Join myself and other ham radio operators as we play 4 rounds of ham radio trivia live! You can play along at home with Kahoot. Details on how to join the trivia contest will be given before each round.
A POTA activation in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. K-0034. I setup at Newfound Gap parking area in the back. I made 10 contacts and then made my way over to Clingman’s Dome. Stay to the end while I show some video and pictures of the National Park.
#failwhale got the best of me while I make only 1 CW contact on Barnett Knob in South Carolina before I was chased off the summit by rain.
Join myself and other YouTubers Bunch members, TheSmokinApe, Temporarily Offline and N0SSC as we build the QRP Guys tri-band vertical antenna live on YT. Bring your dinner and join us in the chat while we build the kit.
Come join the stream as we test the YouTubers Bunch in some Amateur Radio trivia. Bring your favorite beer and join in the chat.
Come join the following ham radio geeks for a ham radio happy hour for some banter and drinks.
Be sure and subscribe to these great channels:
Ham Radio 2.0: https://youtube.com/hamradio20
Ham Radio Crash Course: http://www.youtube.com/hoshnasi
N0SSC: https://youtube.com/n0ssc
K6UDA Radio: https://www.youtube.com/k6uda
K8MRD Radio Stuff: http://youtube.com/k8mrdradiostuff
Signal Search: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCk2g…
Ham Radio Now: https://www.youtube.com/user/HamRadioNow
SevenForty1: https://www.youtube.com/user/sevenforty1
DX Commander: https://www.youtube.com/m0mcx
The Smokin Ape: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheSmoki…
Goodgame Ham Radio, Bees, and Outdoors: https://www.youtube.com/goodgamehamra…
Temporarily Offline: http://youtube.com/temporarilyoffline
K6ARK Portable Radio – https://www.youtube.com/user/Vector511c
Modern Ham – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOe0_RzGUDm73XNtRozPfMw
In this video, I show you how to enter in paper logged POTA or SOTA contacts into Fast Log Entry for submission to the program administrators.
This is for operators who do not have a general logger program and need a tool to generate an ADIF file quickly and easily.
Fast Log Entry Documentation
I use a Condor H2O Pouch to protect my KX3 when it’s not in use. This pouch allows me to keep the KXSides on the KX3. It’s a bit on the heavy side, but it gives very good protection when not in use. I’ve put this case in my luggage when flying and haven’t had any issues.
Amazon Link to this case :