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????Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/n0ssc
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Neil Rapp, WB9VPG joins me in the Youtuber’s Hamfest to talk about Youth On The Air, the new YOTA Online Event coming up on May 28!
Youth On The Air (IARU Region 2 Americas): https://youthontheair.org/
Youngsters on the Air (IARU Region 1 Europe/Africa): https://www.ham-yota.com/
YOTA Online Press Release: https://www.ham-yota.com/press-release-yota-online/
YOTA is an organization to help young radio amateurs meet friends and make memories for life. They’re holding an Amateur Radio Youth Camp in Cincinnati in the Summer of 2021 but WE NEED YOUR HELP! You can DONATE to Youth On The Air Camp IN FOUR WAYS:
– GoFundMe: https://www.gofundme.com/f/funding-for-youth-on-the-air-camp-2020/donate
– PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme2/w9ear
– AmazonSmile (Amazon donates to YOTA every time you make an Amazon purchase): https://smile.amazon.com/ch/35-1920345
– Check payable to make check payable to “EARS” by mail: 2744 Pinehurst Drive, Bloomington, IN 47403
????Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/n0ssc
✍️Blog: https://n0ssc.com/
????Twitter: https://twitter.com/n0ssc
????Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/kawfey
Dustin N8RMA talks about some surprising results and future plans for his State of the Hobby survey for amateur radio. Go take it now! http://www.radiosoth.org/
2019 Results: http://www.radiosoth.org/2019/04/2019-state-of-hobby-results.html
Here’s something to help alleviate your post-partum ham radio convention funk.
The YouTuber’s Hamfest features a whole bunch of the biggest YouTubers in Ham Radio with some of your favorite names in amateur radio, LIVE!
And you don’t even have to drive halfway across the country to see it – it’s all hosted on YouTube for you, for free.
The YouTuber’s HamFest starts May 23 at 8am Eastern time. It starts off with an introduction and instructions on following the action with Jason from Ham Radio 2.0, right here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NiylTCUA33c
He will finish his stream with Flexradio, AREDN, and Ham Radio Deluxe and pass it off to K5ATA’s YouTube channel to talk with Becky Schoenfeld W1BXY and Kris Bickell K1BIC from the ARRL. Then he’ll hand it off to me, and so on and so forth.
If you start late, or you get lost (it’s kinda like the real thing, isn’t it?) no big deal. Just catch the YTHF schedule here: https://youtubershamfest.com/
You can also follow a YouTube playlist here with all of the pre-planned livestreams listed: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLG8UQxewXrtYykTpyQL3iPxKzdBrp-MW2
The playlist and links in the schedule will work even after the YouTuber’s HamFest is over. All presentations are recorded and will stay up indefinitely for your later viewing pleasure.
You don’t need a YouTube account (which is the same as a Google account) to view, but you will need one if you want to participate in the real-time chat to interact and ask questions with vendors and representatives from Icom, FlexRadio, Packtenna, Bioenno, ARRL, MFJ, and much, much more.
And to, of course, Like, Comment, Subscribe, and hit the bell on everyone’s YouTube channel!
I’ll be bringing you news from Youth on the Air with Neil Rapp, WB9VPG, talk about a new Youth initiative from Remote Ham Radio, and chat with Dustin N8RMA who runs the State of the Hobby ham radio survey.
See you Saturday, bright and early at the YouTuber’s HamFest!
I love dark mode. It’s easier on the eyes, especially when you’re up at 2am for no good reason but to change your website’s colors.
If you don’t like this, if anything looks broken or amiss, or you just want to chat, leave a comment or send me a message: https://n0ssc.com/contact.
Suite à la publication de mes vidéos sur ma station radioamateur j’ai reçu plusieurs demandes sur le câblage, voici la vidéo qui montre l’arrière scéen de ma station.
73 Pascal VA2PV
Norm Goodkin K6YXH visits with David W0DHG and talks about getting up and running to do remote testing for Amateur Radio Licenses. Norm mentioned that there were a lot of other players involved, but this is a good review of what they went through to get up and running. We discuss security concerns and how it works.
The pastime of Learning Morse code has been on a huge upswing these last few months. Reddit posts have increased, LCWO usage is at an all-time high, and Google trends are showing an obvious bump in interest in “morse code” during the last 6 months. It seems that people have taken a liking to learning or getting better at Morse code. It might have to do with renewed interest in ham radio, COVID-19 stay-at-home impacts, or just people looking for something fun and interesting to do.
It’s definitely translated into quite a bit of on-air activity, but what I’m more impressed with are people across the Internet asking for advice learning the code.
I for one am glad to be a part of what seems to be a Modern Morse Code Renaissance.
I’ve neglected to write about my progress on becoming proficient in Morse code, but thankfully that doesn’t mean I’ve stopped practicing. I’m too busy trying to get good to write about it!
Some background for new readers – Back at the start of the 2020 (before it turned into the worst year ever), I embarked on a journey to practice Morse daily. I streamed every session to Twitch.tv and YouTube (you can see some goofy highlights and bloopers here).
It’s been several weeks since then, and mostly thanks to the COVID-19 outbreak, I’ve been able to find the time to not only stay (somewhat) consistent with practice, but to also commit my Monday and Friday evenings to CW Academy. I’m in the basic class with Dave W8OV, who has been an excellent instructor, with a group of hams that are right there with me trying to improve our ability to translate Morse code in our head, without writing, instantly.
I have definitely seen a massive improvement in my proficiency. I’ve completed all of the letters, numbers, and symbols. But still, I learned last night that I still have a long way to go before I have a FB QSO at 20-25WPM, but I can hold my own at an effective WPM (a.k.a. Farnsworth speed) of around 10 WPM. Not bad. But a ways to go.
Now I just need to get on the air.
True Morse code proficiency comes from on-air practice, not from LCWO drills or even classes like CW Academy or Long Island CW Club. It comes from the grueling embarrassment of flubbing your first QSO and getting better with every QSO after that. Absolutely nobody will disagree with that (unless you’re one of those super-human High Speed CW wizards like Fabian DJ1YFK).
I wonder who is going to be the lucky ham on the end of my first real CW QSO? If you’re reading this, sorry in advance for my awful copy.
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