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How to be heard (by the FCC)

How to be heard (by the FCC)

Important Links:
FCC Comment site:
FCC Proposed Rules:
ARRL article:

The FCC has started accepting comments regarding it rule making proposal on Ham Radio fees. Now is the time for us to get involved and at least say we did something. I suggest in addition to submitting your comment to the FCC, you voice your opposition (or support) to your elected representatives. Here is what I sent.

To My Senators: My name is Bob Brodovsky and I’m a constituent of yours and an active voter. I’m also a licensed amateur radio operator. I am writing today to ask you to oppose an FCC rule making proposal instituting a $50.00 fee on licensing, upgrades and renewals for amateur radio (ham radio). As you may know, the amateur radio service has in the past and continues to provide emergency communications during natural disasters such as hurricanes and wildfires at no cost.
We, as ham radio operators provide these services voluntarily at our own expense. We are forbidden from receiving compensation for operating. We rely on an influx of new operators to replenish our ranks. most of these new operators enter the service and hobby out of curiosity with little knowledge of ham radio when they enter. Adding a $50.00 application fee will discourage many of the potential operators from entering the service.
I’m asking you to please oppose this rule making proposal however you can. I’m sure a quick note to the FCC chairman from you could have a huge impact. Please help preserve the amateur radio service going into the future.
Thank you for your time.

To the FCC comment site: RE MD 20-270 Proposed rule making,
My name is Bob Brodovsky and I’m writing my public comment as an individual and an active voter. I’m also a licensed amateur radio operator. I am writing today to express my opposition to MD 20-270 FCC rule making proposal specifically instituting a $50.00 fee on licensing, upgrades and renewals for amateur radio (ham radio). As you may know, the amateur radio service has in the past and continues to provide emergency communications during natural disasters such as hurricanes and wildfires at no cost.
We, as ham radio operators provide these services voluntarily at our own expense. We are forbidden from receiving compensation for operating. We rely on an influx of new operators to replenish our ranks. most of these new operators enter the service and hobby out of curiosity with little knowledge of ham radio or the service aspects when they enter. Adding a $50.00 application fee will discourage many of the potential operators from entering the service. Some current operators will be discouraged from upgrading or renewing licenses due to a $50.00 fee.
Please help preserve the amateur radio service going into the future by either revising this proposal to reflect the public service aspect or dismissing it outright.
Thank you for your time.