Red Summit RF Youtube

Summits on the Air QRO activation with “Ham Radio Dude”

Summits on the Air QRO activation with “Ham Radio Dude”

“Ham Radio Dude” happened to be in town recently. He’s a friend and fellow YouTuber so I couldn’t pass up this opportunity to bring him along on a Summits on the Air activation. He decided to try out his QRP radio, the Xiegu 5105, for his first ever SOTA activation. Along with his radio, he used the K7ARK EFHW antenna.
After the QRP work, we switch to FM where we worked a few stations on 2 meters and 23 centimeters (a microwave band).
We finished up the activation with my QRO setup that I occasionally use on SOTA peaks. This sure was fun for me as I had a real pileup going in Morse Code.
The Ham Radio Dude was so fun to hang out with and I hope there are more opportunities to do so. Big thanks to Sean!

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