Red Summit RF Youtube

My 10 RADIO Essentials for Summits on the Air

My 10 RADIO Essentials for Summits on the Air

I recently uploaded a video to YouTube showing the “10 Essentials” for hiking that I carry in my Summits on the Air pack. Several comments were posted about the video, including one from Reid Lanham.

Reid posted “Great Video. Should be called “10 non-radio” items to carry for SOTA. Now we need a video on the 10 radio items to carry. 73”

Reid’s comments got me thinking. First of all, I didn’t think about the fact that there are people out there who don’t know about THE “10 Essentials” so when they read the video title “My 10 Essentials for SOTA” they might think the video is about RADIO related rather than HIKING related content.

Second, I thought it was a great idea to possibly coble together a list of 10 RADIO items that are important carry on a SOTA activation. I gave it some thought and even asked my followers on Twitter. So here is what I came up with for "My 10 Radio Essentials for Summits on the Air".

Twitter: @NJ7V_
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