K6UDA Radio Show Youtube

Its dead Jim!!

Its dead Jim!!

I bought a repeater a few years back. I always had issues with it and after the move, it sat in a box in what was to become Studio B. Now, I’ve got it running better than ever and its connected via RF to my WiresX node in the house.
Show Notes:
Join Me every Monday at Noon Mountain Time (1800 UTC) for lunch & ham radio. I’ll bring in short subjects that we can dive in and look at, you can bring up subjects to discuss. You can also join me as a guest on the show.
Join the show live :
Wires X: Idaho Command 40448

K6UDA Radio Show Youtube

Building a contest level ham radio shack

Building a contest level ham radio shack

It’s been just over a year since I’ve moved to the Southern Idaho Command and during that past year, I’ve done almost all of my ham radio HF operations from a wire antenna and my IC-7300. I have a full contest radio system from Elecraft. One full year later Studio B as I like to call it is built, equipped and operational. This video is how I built it.
Show Notes:
Join Me every Monday at Noon Mountain Time (1800 UTC) for lunch & ham radio. I’ll bring in short subjects that we can dive in and look at, you can bring up subjects to discuss. You can also join me as a guest on the show.
Join the show live :
Wires X: Youtubers 40448
FCS Reflector: Youtubers 003/48

K6UDA Radio Show Youtube

DX Commander Classic Assembly, Installation & Testing

DX Commander Classic Assembly, Installation & Testing

Last fall I purchased a DX Commander Classic for use in Studio A. Then winter hit the Southern Idaho Command with a vengeance and soon the permafrost was upon me. Now, the snow is gone, its 65 degrees out and its time to build that DX Commander.

Show Notes:
Join Me every Monday at Noon Mountain Time (1800 UTC) for lunch & ham radio. I’ll bring in short subjects that we can dive in and look at, you can bring up subjects to discuss. You can also join me as a guest on the show.
Join the show live :
Wires X: Youtubers 40448
FCS Reflector: Youtubers 003/48

K6UDA Radio Show Youtube

Submitting Contest Logs for MAC users

Submitting Contest Logs for MAC users

Cabrillo log format has been a fact of life for many contests and QSO parties for several years now. If your a MAC based Ham Radio contester, you know our choices are limited. I just found out our choices just got smaller. Let’s talk about MAC Ham Radio software in particular, Maclogger DX, SkookumLogger and the now dead Cabconverter.jar.

K6UDA Radio Show Youtube

K6UDA Live Idaho QSO Party

K6UDA Live Idaho QSO Party

I am NOT Self Spotting. I am NOT Self Spotting. I am NOT Self Spotting.

K6UDA Radio Show Youtube

Becoming a better operator thru contesting.

Becoming a better operator thru contesting.

I’m getting ready to play contest radio on the Idaho QSO party. I’m betting activities like this will make you a better emergency operator when SHTF.

K6UDA Radio Show Youtube

The DMX-40 Review | Can this make CW Easy?

The DMX-40 Review | Can this make CW Easy?

For years now, I’ve wanted to learn the art of CW. Work, kids, production schedules and laziness have kept me from learning. But now, I’ve gotten ahold of a new QRP radio that also does morse code encoding and decoding; with or without a CW key or the knowledge to use one.
Show Notes:
Join Me every Monday at Noon Mountain Time (1800 UTC) for lunch & ham radio. I’ll bring in short subjects that we can dive in and look at, you can bring up subjects to discuss. You can also join me as a guest on the show.
Join the show live :
Wires X: Youtubers 40448
FCS Reflector: Youtubers 003/48

K6UDA Radio Show Youtube

A Tribute to Bob Bruninga Inventor of APRS

A Tribute to Bob Bruninga Inventor of APRS

Today I’m joined by Don Arnold W6GPS and Lynn KJ4ERJ both were friends of Bob who passed away last week. They asked me if they could spend a few minutes reflecting on thier friend and the major impact he made in Ham Radio.
Show Notes:
Join Me every Monday at Noon Mountain Time (1800 UTC) for lunch & ham radio. I’ll bring in short subjects that we can dive in and look at, you can bring up subjects to discuss. You can also join me as a guest on the show.
Join the show live :
Wires X: Youtubers 40448
FCS Reflector: Youtubers 003/48
Call in : 208-352-3819

K6UDA Radio Show Youtube

DMX-40 : My First impressions & Lunch

DMX-40 : My First impressions & Lunch

Looking at the Preppcom DMX-40

K6UDA Radio Show Youtube

The Internet Schools me on Feedline loss

The Internet Schools me on Feedline loss

He’s back from certain death