In this I talk about weather a gain "Yagi type " antenna is something a ham would want or need for his or her shack antenna.
#ham, #antennas, #gainantennas,
KK6USY Chuck’s Videos
In this I talk about weather a gain "Yagi type " antenna is something a ham would want or need for his or her shack antenna.
#ham, #antennas, #gainantennas,
So The Smokin Ape challenged aii of us at Coffee and Ham Radios to see if we could put together a Ham-Shack for $1,000.00. Make sure to check all 4 videos links will be below.
As a Amazon affiliate I may make a small amount to help the channel.
MegaWatt S-400-12x 36 Amps, https://amzn.to/3dq5x2g
RG8x Jumper Cable, 2 Pack, https://amzn.to/3du8b7e
Xiegu G90 HF Radio 20W, https://amzn.to/3zTVp9z
Yaesu FT-891 HF/6M All Mode, https://amzn.to/3Al8Kt9 (You might find cheaper)
#ham radio, #Coffee and Ham Radios, #Hamshack,
The receive on my FT 991A wasn’t working until you selected the pre-amps. Follow along as I try to repair what I think is wrong.Hopefully I can repair it.
MUSTOOL G1200 Digital Microscope, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XAI0A1tpt2Q
Precision Tweezer Set, https://amzn.to/3QntZ2Y
Hakko FX888D-23BY Digital Soldering Station, https://amzn.to/3w0xd4n
KESTER SOLDER , https://amzn.to/3PlZRn9
#Hamradio, #Howto, #yaesu,
In this video I drive to the Grand Canyon to join some YouTube Buddies and we activat Parks and Summits.I also talk a little about how the Grand Cayon became a National Park.
#Grand Canyon, #Ham Radio, #Nationalpark,
So with Yaesu Japan releasing the news of the FT-710 for the Japaneses market there was some confusion to what the U.S. version would be. The next day Yaesu USA released their info on the U.S. version. In this video I try to clear up some of the confusion and show the little we know for sure is included in this new radio.
Yaesu website:, https://www.yaesu.com/indexVS.cfm?cmd=DisplayProducts&ProdCatID=102&encProdID=615ADFEAB5EDBC65EBE1D64835F209DB&DivisionID=65&isArchived=0
John Kruks video:, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=STGpsrQnTOY
#Yaesu, #FT-710, #Ham Radio
Bangood asked if I would review this digital scope, I always check reviews before agreeing to accept with reviews of 4.9 with 1800 I said yes and I.m glad I did! All the opinions on this tool are my own and Bangood didn’t tell me what to say. I have to say I am pretty impressed with this scope and it’s camera. It takes great video and pictures.
I have a coupon and link to Bangood below to save you some money if you are interested in one.
coupon code:BGd8306c
#Digital Microscope, #Mustool, #electronics,
In this video I show a cool lithium battery I found on Amazon that has a nice molded case to protect it. I have used the battery and works great with a 100 watt Radio or anything else that needs 12 volts.
As an Amazon affiliate I may receive a commission on some items sold.
Eco-Worthy 20ah Battery,:https://amzn.to/3ykg3yQ
Victron 12v 10 amp Battery Charger (Bluetooth),: https://amzn.to/3nK4XhM
Digital Oscilloscope Multimeter ,: https://amzn.to/3bRHVmn
Yaesu amp video, ; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=78mT9jUWjhs
In this video I show some tips and ticks to easily wind a toroid for an antenna or anything else in ham radio.
Be sure and subscribe to these great channels:
TheSmokinApe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdJl…
Ham Radio Dude: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCS3…
Temporarily Offline: http://yout
Coffee and Ham Radios; https://www.youtube.com/c/CoffeeandHa…
MM0OPX Amateur Radio; https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGdQ.
#Toroid, #antennas, #offgrid
On a recent SOTA I played with 2 meter Side Band and had a great time. Oh and I was at 6400 feet elevation wow what difference that makes for 2m!
Derrick’s channel, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOjjIROB7XWmkcPqpMmAKvA
2m antenna build, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oobvufJq2d8&t=3s