KK6USY Ham Radio Adventures Youtube

Core 8×8 Instant Sport Sun Shade, can this work for Parks On The Air?

Core 8x8 Instant Sport Sun Shade, can this work for Parks On The Air?

In this video I show how to setup a Core 8×8 sunshade.
Core sun shade,
G4Free Ultralight table,
foldable chair,

Camera Gear
Sony a6100 camera,
Sigma 56mm lens,
Sigma 16mm lens,
Sigma 30mm lens,
DJI Action camera,
K&F Concepts Tripod,
PGYTECH mini tripod,
Lapel microphone,
MOVO Shotgun Microphone,


KK6USY Ham Radio Adventures Youtube

How to make a Quarter Wave Vertical Antenna Reflector for use on Parks On The Air (POTA) activations

How to make a Quarter Wave Vertical Antenna Reflector for use on Parks On The Air (POTA) activations

In this video I show how I make a reflector for a 1/4 wave vertical antenna for use on POTA activations. If you know a better way please leave a comment in the comment section or if you just like this leave a comment. I will use it soon on a POTA and compare with out the reflector and also with a dipole.

KK6USY Ham Radio Adventures Youtube

POTA on the Bay K-3407 at Benicia State Recreation Area Benicia Ca.

POTA on the Bay  K-3407 at Benicia State Recreation Area Benicia Ca.

In this Video I activate Parks On The Air at Benicia State Recreation Area May 10, 2020. In the activation I use a home made Linked Dipole and a MFJ 17′ extendable antenna and was amazed by my signal reports.

KK6USY Ham Radio Adventures Youtube

Ham Radio, Dirt Biking camping and exploring the Nevada desert !

Ham Radio, Dirt Biking camping and exploring the Nevada desert !

In this Video I do a Dirt bike ride to a location that I hike to a small peak and chase SOTA, POTA and call CQ in the Nevada Desert!


KK6USY Ham Radio Adventures Youtube

Ham Radio Workbench’s that I use for projects.

Ham Radio Workbench's that I use for projects.

In this video I will show the workbench I use to make my various Ham Radio projects.


KK6USY Ham Radio Adventures Youtube

Yaesu FL 110 is this the easiest to use HF amplifier for QRP radios? KX2, KX3, IC705, FT817,G90.

Yaesu FL 110 is this the easiest to use HF amplifier for QRP radios? KX2, KX3, IC705, FT817,G90.

The Yaesu FL-110 is a solid state linear amplifier that is designed to match the FT-301S and FT-7 transceivers. It operates on the 160, 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 meter amateur bands. Drive power is 15 watts CW/SSB, 4 watts AM/RTTY. Maximum input power is 200 watts SSB/CW, 75 watts RTTY and 50 watts AM. The front panel has a DELAY switch to select FAST 0.1-0.2 seconds or SLOW 0.3-1.0 seconds to control carrier operated change over time. The rear panel has 50 ohm SO239 input and output jacks. This device requires 13.5 VDC at 17 Amps (100 watts 14 MHz).

KK6USY Ham Radio Adventures Youtube

First Tactical Pouches for the Tactix Half-Day Backpack 27L.

First Tactical Pouches for the Tactix Half-Day Backpack 27L.

In this video I will show 2 pouches made by First Tactical that integrate with their backpacks. These pouches are very handy for various ham radio products such as radios and antennas.

KK6USY Ham Radio Adventures Youtube

Nelson Antennas 9:1 End Fed Antennas, Does it work with a FT991A or KX2?

Nelson Antennas 9:1 End Fed Antennas, Does it work with a FT991A or KX2?

In this video I show the Nelson Antennas 9:1 end fed match box and how it tunes with a Yaesu FT 991A , also what I needed to do to get it to work on the 40 meter band.

KK6USY Ham Radio Adventures Youtube

First Tactical Tactix Half-Day Plus Backpack work for SOTA/POTA with KX2, KX3, FT817, G90 or IC705 ?

First Tactical Tactix Half-Day Plus Backpack work for SOTA/POTA with KX2, KX3, FT817, G90 or IC705 ?

In this video I review an outstanding, very well made backpack by First Tactical. I talk about how it could be used for Amateur (Ham) Radio. I also talk about First Tactical and how they work with Law Enforcement, Firefighters and Emergency Medical Personnel to thoroughly understand the unique needs of their customers. First Tactical has agreed to give a 15% off promo their site for my viewers.Thank You Again First Tactical !!

The code is KK6USY for 15% Off the site.

This link auto applies the discount:

KK6USY Ham Radio Adventures Youtube

SOTA Activation Kratka Ridge W6/CT-014 in the San Gabriel High Country.

SOTA Activation Kratka Ridge W6/CT-014 in the San Gabriel High Country.

In this video I will show a Summits On The Air (SOTA) Activation on short but steep hike to a prominent ridge in the San Gabriel High Country in Los Angeles County With K6TNT and Myself KK6USY. We pass through a abandoned ski resort, and top it off with outstanding views of the middle of the front range and San Gabriel Wilderness.