KK6USY Ham Radio Adventures Youtube

How To Antenna Mast Stake

How To Antenna Mast Stake

In this video i show how and what I used to make a stake that fits inside of the DX Commander, Sota Beams and PackTenna mast to help with guying.

KK6USY Ham Radio Adventures Youtube

How to make a 12 volt rotor for use with small beam antennas!

How to make a 12 volt rotor for use with small beam antennas!

In this video I show how I built a 12 volt Rotor for small Yagi, Moxon and Hexbeam antennas using a 2 rpm geared motor. The Original Idea came from my friend Steve, K1GMM, his channel is Green Mountain Maniac, check him out!

KK6USY Ham Radio Adventures Youtube

How to APRS text message using SMSGTE with a FT3D.

How to APRS text message  using SMSGTE with a FT3D.

In this short video I use a FT3D handheld to send a text message to a cell phone and back to the radio.

KK6USY Ham Radio Adventures Youtube

How to make a 6 METER MOXON.

How to make a 6 METER MOXON.

In this video I show how i constructed a 6 meter Moxon Antenna from PVC and wire. First design was by John Ryan N1PCE.

KK6USY Ham Radio Adventures Youtube

How To Make Fishing Boat Seat Boxes!

How To Make Fishing Boat Seat Boxes!

In this video I go through the steps of making a seat box for a 1999 Westcoaster Fishing boat.

KK6USY Ham Radio Adventures Youtube

The Green Donkey Sighting Simplex 146.520.

The Green Donkey Sighting Simplex 146.520.

In this video I make a contact with K6DJV of the 2 meter crew with a HT from a boat on a lake about 45 miles.