Radio Runner Youtube

The ULTIMATE Guide To Getting It Up In Ham Radio!

The ULTIMATE Guide To Getting It Up In Ham Radio!

Getting a wire in the air isn’t always easy, and I’ve made plenty of mistakes. Here is the video noone asked for, a complete brain dump with everything I know about getting your pole up so that you can get that logbook loaded up with sweet sweet DX.

Getting it up never looked so easy.

Radio Runner Youtube

Ham Radio ISNT What You Think It Is!

Ham Radio ISNT What You Think It Is!

Is it really just talking to strangers on the radio? Not at all! Today we look at a common misconception about amateur radio and put it to rest!

Radio Runner Youtube

Ham Radio Contesting For Beginners!

Ham Radio Contesting For Beginners!

Radio Runner Youtube

The Origami Special – Hamfest 2022

The Origami Special - Hamfest 2022

Radio Runner Youtube

Top 4 Portable Ham Radios For Epic Operators

Top 4 Portable Ham Radios For Epic Operators

The absolute best radios for hard core portable ham radio operators in my opinion, based on hundreds of contacts, every kind of weather you can imagine and huge distances travelled on foot to operate portable in this great hobby of ours!

From the cheapest to the most expensive, tuners to no tuner.

Xiegu G90
Yaesu 817 / Yaesu 818
ICOM 705
Elecraft KX2

I have no idea how to shoot talking head videos, I apologize.

Radio Runner Youtube

YouTube Hamfest Promo – Radio Runner Only Dumpster Fire Special

YouTube Hamfest Promo - Radio Runner Only Dumpster Fire Special

This is what Jason has to work with when he cuts these videos together.. the horror.

Radio Runner Youtube

YouTubers Hamfest for 2022!

YouTubers Hamfest for 2022!

The 3rd annual YouTuber’s HamFest is coming up! Join us all for a weekend of fun filled activities! (I stole this description from Hayden…)

The YouTubers Bunch

Join us!
In order of appearance:
@Smoke Signals RF
@Radio Runner
@K5YVY Amateur Radio
@Red Summit RF
@Ham Radio Crash Course
@Temporarily Offline Ham Radio
@Tank Radio
@KK6USY Ham Radio Adventures
@Ham Radio 2.0

Radio Runner Youtube

Morse Code Is Music – Ham Radio On Guitar

Morse Code Is Music - Ham Radio On Guitar

I had a goofy idea, it turned out alright!

I think ham radio is all about experimenting with new and weird ideas, this is one! CW is beautiful!

Big thanks to Adam K6ARK for being a good sport as always!

It’s harder than it seems playing morse code on a guitar and trying to keep it pleasing to the ear, but also easily readible. You don’t have the normal level flexibility you have as a musician in terms of how long your notes are and how much space you fill/don’t fill! There are a couple of mistakes in here but it was all a single (first!) take!

Notes: I consulted with a lawyer who is also a ham who looked through the regulations to see what exactly the rules stated around broadcasting "music". He was of the opinion that this would be completely fine on the ham bands just don’t broadcast the beat. I consulted with another ham friend (not a lawyer) who thought it was a big no no. I didn’t want to make anyone upset and so I put my TX signal over an IP link, NOT on the ham bands. I wanted to work a pileup on the SSB portion with my guitar but hey, such is life! 🙂

Radio Runner Youtube

Visit A Cliff Edge Helicopter Accessed Ham Radio Site!

Visit A Cliff Edge Helicopter Accessed Ham Radio Site!

What a mind blowing location and awesome experience!
We head up to a local ham radio repeater (probably the coolest location in the world!) via helicopter to perform some upgrades and maintenance. This sort of thing is what ham radio is all about!
Sit back, please enjoy, and have a fantastic day my friends!

Radio Runner Youtube

Never Lose Your Favourite Radio Again

Never Lose Your Favourite Radio Again

Lost HT’s in amateur / ham radio is a plague which has spread throughout the world. Do your bit to both jazz up your collection, and make it far less likely that you will loose you best friend (not you, Yaesu. The ICOM.)

Have a spectacular day my friends.