This live streaming meeting will take the place of our Sep. meeting.
Category Added in a WPeMatico Campaign
This live streaming meeting will take the place of our Sep. meeting.
This was a suggestion from a viewer, to start a regularly scheduled Ham Radio Happy Hour, where we just get together online and talk about Ham Radio, the YouTubers Bunch, Ragchew, etc.
We will see how this goes and talk about plans for a regularly scheduled event.
✅New MERCH Site!!! – http://www.shop.hamradio2.com
✅SUBSCRIBE for more Ham Radio video: https://goo.gl/6hjh2J
Checkout my WEBSITE: https://livefromthehamshack.tv
✅PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/HamRadio
✅SUBSCRIBESTAR: https://www.subscribestar.com/ham-radio-2-0
???? Be sure to support my sponsors, who make this series possible: ????
????Check out my Amazon Store, where I make small commissions on some items: https://www.amazon.com/shop/hamradio2.0
???? Ham Radio 2.0 Is Now Multi-Platform! ????
Bitchute – https://www.bitchute.com/HamRadio20
Full30 – https://www.full30.com/channels/ham-radio-20
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/ham-radio-2-0/
Livestreams first and third Sunday evening of each month, check this link for times: http://hamradio2.com/livestream
Craft Beer: https://www.youtube.com/texasbrewcrafters
How To Make Videos on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCafx-65vv-P48CLes5XyszQ
DOG Rescuing and Fostering: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMEFyooJFaNR_hCwg_U_BwA
AREDN Mesh Networking Hardware: https://tinyurl.com/y75atknv
Get a DMR or NXDN ID: https://goo.gl/dVtCNY
TAPR DCC of 2019: http://tinyurl.com/y2gt8lpx
ALL the DMR Radios: https://goo.gl/iK9ja1
How to write a DMR codeplug: https://goo.gl/tCrrws
**Get your TECHNICIAN License! https://tinyurl.com/y8ksuxax
Upgrade to GENERAL! http://tinyurl.com/w2lzsc5
DMR, DSTAR and YSF Hotspots: https://goo.gl/d1V5d1
All Patreon contributors receive a monthly Newsletter. Please consider supporting the cause today! – https://goo.gl/FkESU6
Theme and background music courtesy of https://www.bensound.com
If you are interested in my videos like this and want to support my efforts, please consider subscribing – https://goo.gl/6hjh2J
Leave a comment on this video and it’ll get a response. Or you can connect with me on different social platforms too:
Discord: https://hamradio2.com/discord
Facebook: https://hamradio2.com/facebook
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/hamradio
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hamradio2dot0
Twitter: https://twitter.com/hamradio2dot0
LinkedIn: https://tinyurl.com/y7h87eoj
MERCH! T-shirts and Hats to support the show!
iTunes…………….► https://goo.gl/dZYcBb
Discord…………………► https://hamradio2.com/discord
Twitter………………….► https://twitter.com/hamradio2dot0
Instagram……………..► https://www.instagram.com/hamradio2dot0
Mail: 2150 W. Northwest Highway #114-1163, Grapevine TX 76051
Thanks for watching!
Check out these awesome 3d printed morse code paddles. Get yours and support a Young Ham on the rise!
K4NFP: https://www.qrz.com/db/k4nfp
K4NFP Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyPQFpDdcdjQ8q6s4IL5NnQ
K4NFP Paddle Sales: https://forums.qrz.com/index.php?threads/k4nfp-3d-printed-cw-paddles-in-stock-again.724034/
50% of all patreons goes to supporting youths in ham radio with free tests, equipment and learning!
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/bePatron?u=255190
SubscribeStar: https://www.subscribestar.com/temporarilyoffline
Tip Jar: https://paypal.me/temporarilyoffline
Discord: https://discord.gg/97tkMEc
Twitter: https://twitter.com/KiloMike9Golf
Github: https://github.com/TemporarilyOffline
Where possible, all links are affiliate links, this youtube thing is an expensive endeavor and every little bit helps.
P.O. Box 101
Luck, WI 54853
Thanks for tuning into Signal Search! Checking out the latest addition to the Signal Search shack. A HF/VHF/UHF transceiver from ICOM.
IC 705 accessories, MOTA & Some Prepping for after election action
Come join in the fun! Amateur radio, also known as ham radio is the world’s most diverse and fun hobby.
There are many facets of amateur ham radio which attract all with a wide range of interests. Many amateurs begin with a fascination of radio communication and then combine other personal interests to make pursuit of the hobby rewarding. Some focus on areas such as radio contesting, radio propagation study, public service communication, technical experimentation, and computer networking.
If you have a love for electronics, computers, radio or even the outdoors, ham radio has something for everybody. To get started have a look at these links:
Amateur Radio (Ham Radio) as Fast As Possible
Amateur Radio on Wikipedia
ARRL (United States) – Get Involved
WIA (Australia) – What is Amateur Radio?
Radio Amateurs of Canada: Getting Started
If you enjoyed this video, please consider:
✅ Subscribing to Ham Radio DX! https://bit.ly/2lvUGsD
???? Supporting this channel on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/hamradiodx
???? Watching more recent videos here: https://www.youtube.com/c/HamRadioDX/videos
If you enjoyed this video help others enjoy it by adding captions in your language – http://www.youtube.com/timedtext_cs_panel?c=UCo_jX41l6nYfnrQuk0qsZFw&tab=2
#HamRadio #AmateurRadio #Hobby
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/VK7HH/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HamRadioDX
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hamradiodx
Music: https://www.bensound.com/royalty-free-music
Products for demos or reviews can be sent to address listed for VK7HH on QRZ.com or email admin@hamradiodx.net
If you enjoy this content and would like to support this channel, please consider using the below Affiliate Link for purchases:
eBay: https://ebay.to/2LVvhFE
Prices do not change for you, but this channel will receive a small commission on all sales.
Come join in the fun! Amateur radio, also known as ham radio is the world’s most diverse and fun hobby.
There are many facets of amateur ham radio which attract all with a wide range of interests. Many amateurs begin with a fascination of radio communication and then combine other personal interests to make pursuit of the hobby rewarding. Some focus on areas such as radio contesting, radio propagation study, public service communication, technical experimentation, and computer networking.
If you have a love for electronics, computers, radio or even the outdoors, ham radio has something for everybody. To get started have a look at these links:
Amateur Radio (Ham Radio) as Fast As Possible
Amateur Radio on Wikipedia
ARRL (United States) – Get Involved
WIA (Australia) – What is Amateur Radio?
Radio Amateurs of Canada: Getting Started
If you enjoyed this video, please consider:
✅ Subscribing to Ham Radio DX! https://bit.ly/2lvUGsD
???? Supporting this channel on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/hamradiodx
???? Watching more recent videos here: https://www.youtube.com/c/HamRadioDX/videos
If you enjoyed this video help others enjoy it by adding captions in your language – http://www.youtube.com/timedtext_cs_panel?c=UCo_jX41l6nYfnrQuk0qsZFw&tab=2
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/VK7HH/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HamRadioDX
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hamradiodx
Music: https://www.bensound.com/royalty-free-music
Products for demos or reviews can be sent to address listed for VK7HH on QRZ.com or email admin@hamradiodx.net
If you enjoy this content and would like to support this channel, please consider using the below Affiliate Link for purchases:
eBay: https://ebay.to/2LVvhFE
Prices do not change for you, but this channel will receive a small commission on all sales.
Australia to the United States on HF, can we do it? Join myself and Steve KM9G (Temporarily Offline) as we try to make contact on the 20 meter (14 MHz) ham radio band. The time will be early morning in Australia (around dawn) and mid afternoon in the United States.
Maybe you’ll even hear us on air?
Steve’s YouTube channel
If you enjoyed this video, please consider:
✅ Subscribing to Ham Radio DX! https://bit.ly/2lvUGsD
???? Supporting this channel on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/hamradiodx
???? Watching more recent videos here: https://www.youtube.com/c/HamRadioDX/videos
If you enjoyed this video help others enjoy it by adding captions in your language – http://www.youtube.com/timedtext_cs_panel?c=UCo_jX41l6nYfnrQuk0qsZFw&tab=2
#HamRadio #KM9G #HFContact
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/VK7HH/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HamRadioDX
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hamradiodx
Music: https://www.bensound.com/royalty-free-music
Products for demos or reviews can be sent to address listed for VK7HH on QRZ.com or email admin@hamradiodx.net
If you enjoy this content and would like to support this channel, please consider using the below Affiliate Link for purchases:
eBay: https://ebay.to/2LVvhFE
Prices do not change for you, but this channel will receive a small commission on all sales.
Here’s something different! Since many of you have been interested in my flying journey, here’s a video I put together for myself to learn "the pattern" as preparation to solo. If you like this kind of video I can do more, or maybe I should start another channel. Let me know in the comments.
Subscribe: https://youtube.com/user/davecasler. Ask Dave Playlist: https://goo.gl/inaQeB. Tip Jar: http://ke0og.net/tip-jar
To learn more about me, visit: http://www.dcasler.com/about/
Tip jar (on my website): http://www.dcasler.com/tip-jar/ (provides a method to use your credit card via PayPal, Also describes Patreon)
To pose an Ask Dave question: http://www.dcasler.com/ask-dave/ or http://www.ke0og.net/ask-dave/
To order the most recent and up-to-date Amateur Extra videos on a thumb drive: http://dcasler.com/aevids-on-stick/
Theme music is "Sour Tennessee Red," by John Deley and the 41 Players, courtesy YouTube Music Library.
I use drawings from OpenClipArt.org, including the "walking man"
Technician training videos, see http://www.ke0og.net/training/
General training videos, see http://www.ke0og.net/general/
Amateur Extra training videos, see http://www.ke0og.net/extra/
List of the Ask Dave videos, see http://dcasler.com/ask-dave/#askdavelist
Thanks to my sweet wife, Loretta, KBØVWW, for both audio and video assistance! (Her website is www.aldea-art.com.)
My primary website: http://www.dcasler.com
The ham radio part of my website (direct link): http://www.ke0og.net
My publishing website: http://www.mtsneffelspress.com, where you can find my fantasy and science fiction books, as well as some local history books I publish for the Ridgway Railroad Museum and the Ouray County Historical Society
My Amazon author page, which lists my print and Kindle books: http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B00471I0Q4.
I’m often asked what equipment I use to create the videos. The devices include the Panasonic DMC-G7 camera, Panasonic HDC-TM90 video camera, GoPro Hero2 HD camera, Tascam DR-05 audio recorder, Audio-Technica ATR-3350 lapel microphone, Sony Cyber-shot DSC-W560 digital camera, the Kodak Zi-8 video camera, my iPhone 5S. Software used: CyberLink PowerDirector 17 on an HP Gaming Pavilion, also using Smoothdraw, FastStone Image Viewer 5.3, FastStone Capture 8.0, Audacity 2.1.1, LibreOffice, and Ink2Go 1.7.2. You can see how my studio is set up by viewing https://youtu.be/wFSQ8vtNA5A.
Twitter: @dcasler
What are the best radio to look at when you are starting out in ham radio? We’ll talk about that tonight!
Ham Radio Crash Course Merch: http://www.hamtactical.com
Donate: https://hoshnasi.live/
I’m going to be on TV! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DaTFND6uhUY
QuirkyQRP ZipTenna! https://www.etsy.com/listing/872772439/ziptenna-multiband-counterpoise-antenna?fbclid=IwAR1tyE8–1veXTq-0b_TDuKv_V-oJSatGb8fToWTfEr2WQfaqXl6RUB0OgM
Monthly newsletter, stickers, private content:
Links to products in the video: https://www.amazon.com/shop/hamradiocrashcourse
As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
Ham Radio Crash Course Podcast https://hamradiocrashcourse.podbean.com/
Current Shack Config:
ICOM 7300: https://amzn.to/2sVdpOq
ICOM 2730a: https://amzn.to/2JqrASg
MFJ-4230DMP: http://www.mfjenterprises.com/Product.php?productid=MFJ-4230DMP
Souncloud…………….► https://soundcloud.com/hoshnasi
Discord…………………► https://discord.gg/xhJMxDT
Twitter………………….► https://twitter.com/Hoshnasi
Instagram……………..► https://instagram.com/hoshnasi
SnapChat………………► @Hoshnasi
Music by, Sonic D:
Companies can send demo products to: Josh Nass P.O Box 5101 Cerritos, Ca. 90703-5101