Ham Radio DX Youtube

From kit-building to scratch-building: Make your own SOTA/portable QRP rig, with Paul VK3HN

From kit-building to scratch-building: Make your own SOTA/portable QRP rig, with Paul VK3HN

Today I have Paul VK3HN on the channel to discuss all things QRP and SOTA. Paul is a prolific SOTA operator who enjoys building homebrew QRP radios for his portable operations.

His QRZ says "I am an amateur builder, not so much a designer, so my focus is on rigs that can be made with unsophisticated tools and practices, and still deliver good performance and a good user experience".

Paul will cover how viewers can move beyond building a kit, to building a small rig that is their own creation.

– What features are essential for SOTA/portable success in a homebrew rig?
– What features you can omit?
– How to avoid complexity and getting bogged down
– What tools do you need?
– How do you get started?

Join us in the live chat and ask questions as we go along!