Category Added in a WPeMatico Campaign
Field test time of the EMP radial system. I’m using cheap emp cloth off Amazon: https://amzn.to/3CnJruk and a stainless steel 25 foot whip: https://chameleonantenna.com/shop-here/ols/products
Shout-out @KB9VBRAntennas for his work on the mesh radial systems:
Links from the video:
EMP Cloth https://amzn.to/3CnJruk
Corn hole bags: https://amzn.to/4hrKNn6
📻 Want the best HT antenna? Signal Stuff Signal Stick https://signalstuff.com/?ref=622 (This is an affliate link)
📻 Looking for the best deal on the Ed Fong J-Pole? https://www.kbcubed.com/DBJ-2H-Amateur-Ham-2m-70cm-Dual-Band-Portable-Rollup-Antenna-by-Ed-Fong-p406009746
📻 Messi and Paoloni Coax 10% off with code: HRCC73 https://messi.it/en/home.htm
📻 I use Ham Radio Deluxe: https://www.hamradiodeluxe.com/aff/2DC45C837DEE2A018A2BCB345A2E3900/index.html?subid=558903
📻 You can find some of my favorite radios and gear at GigaParts: https://www.gigaparts.com/nsearch/?lp=JOSH
📻 Good Value HTs: HTs: https://www.buytwowayradios.com/?cmid=amsreGRvTmttM0k9&afid=Mkx1eE1uN2M0S1k9&ats=bHNrMHVhZ3lZcjQ9
📻Check out Radioddity ham radio radios and get a discount: Xiegu G90: http://radioddity.refr.cc/hoshnasi
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Music by Sonic D:
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★Save 10% off your Coax order at ABR Industries. Code K8MRD10 at checkout.
https://abrind.com/?sld=2 (affiliate)
★The SkyHook Portable Mast Antenna Mount (non affiliate)
Code K8MRDRADIO for 20% off
★Save 5% Off At Gigaparts With Code K8MRD:
★Save 10 % off Messi & Paoloni & ABR Industries Coax With Code MP10 https://www.gigaparts.com/nsearch/?lp=Mike%20Coax%2010%20Off#?lp=Mike+Coax+10+Off&search_return=all&res_per_page=60
★10% off Messi & Paoloni Coax
Use code K8MRD for 10% off
(USA & Canada get free shipping on orders $99 euros or more!)
★Signal Stuff Signal Stick Antennas:
BNC Antenna: https://signalstuff.com/super-elastic-signal-stick-bnc/?ref=4089
SMA Female Antenna: https://signalstuff.com/super-elastic-signal-stick-sma-female/?ref=4089
SMA Male Antenna: https://signalstuff.com/super-elastic-signal-stick-sma-male/?ref=4
Signalstuff Antennas: https://signalstuff.com/?ref=4089
★$15 off most purchases over $65 at Radioddity:
★All Links Are Affiliate Where Possible★
#hamradio #hamradiotube #hamcation
Lenny (WB6QAZ) and Carol (KI6TPH) ask Dave what the best antenna tuner for a mobile POTA station with the antenna mounted on the back of the camper. Should it be a very wide range tuner or should it be remote?
Subscribe: https://youtube.com/davecasler
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Videographed and Edited by Teagan Kulbeth
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#ham radio
#technician license
#general license
#extra license
#ham radio training
#dave casler
#ham radio answers
#icom 7300
#end fed dipole
#mag loop
#magnetic loop antennas
To learn more about me, visit: https://dcasler.com
To support my channel financially, visit: https://dcasler.com/support (offers several options)
To pose an Ask Dave question, email to askdave@arrl.org. Feel free to include pictures or drawings to help clarify. I may answer your question directly, via an Ask Dave video, or in my monthly column "Ask Dave" in QST.
Theme music is "Sour Tennessee Red," by John Deley and the 41 Players, courtesy YouTube Music Library. You can listen to the entire song here: https://youtu.be/Vfc9sAQjJtc
I use drawings from OpenClipArt.org, including the "walking man"
Thanks to my sweet wife, Loretta, KBØVWW, for both audio and video assistance! (Her website is www.aldea-art.com.)
My primary website: http://www.dcasler.com
My publishing website: http://www.mtsneffelspress.com, where you can find my fantasy and science fiction books.
My Amazon author page, which lists my print and Kindle books: http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B00471I0Q4.
Impending Doom! Prices Are Skyrocketing. What Should You Be Looking To Buy Before That Happens?
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Follow me on Twitter. https://twitter.com/k8mrd
★Links to many of the things I use can be found here:
As an Amazon Affiliate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
★Save 10% off at https://www.bioennopower.com with Coupon Code HRT (NON AFFILIATE)
★Save 10% off your Coax order at ABR Industries. Code K8MRD10 at checkout.
https://abrind.com/?sld=2 (affiliate)
★The SkyHook Portable Mast Antenna Mount (non affiliate)
Code K8MRDRADIO for 20% off
★Save 5% Off At Gigaparts With Code K8MRD:
★Save 10 % off Messi & Paoloni & ABR Industries Coax With Code MP10 https://www.gigaparts.com/nsearch/?lp=Mike%20Coax%2010%20Off#?lp=Mike+Coax+10+Off&search_return=all&res_per_page=60
★10% off Messi & Paoloni Coax
Use code K8MRD for 10% off
(USA & Canada get free shipping on orders $99 euros or more!)
★Signal Stuff Signal Stick Antennas:
BNC Antenna: https://signalstuff.com/super-elastic-signal-stick-bnc/?ref=4089
SMA Female Antenna: https://signalstuff.com/super-elastic-signal-stick-sma-female/?ref=4089
SMA Male Antenna: https://signalstuff.com/super-elastic-signal-stick-sma-male/?ref=4
Signalstuff Antennas: https://signalstuff.com/?ref=4089
★$15 off most purchases over $65 at Radioddity:
★All Links Are Affiliate Where Possible★
#hamradio #hamradiotube #parksontheair
I have Armoloq frames on several of my radios but up until now, no frame was available for the Yaesu FTDX-10. Well, Armoloq is premiering this frame at the Orlando Hamcation of 2025 and they sent me one to review beforehand. Let’s check this out….
Website – https://armoloq.com/yaesu
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Where possible, all links are affiliate links, this youtube thing is an expensive endeavor and every little bit helps.
We’re going to get Winlink working with your Android and the Bluetooth KISS TNC feature that is built into the new radios from Vero, Btech and Radioddity!
👉 Vero VR-N76: https://www.verotelecom.com/VR-N76-Dual-Band-Handheld-Radio-p2511333.html?parent_user_id=18298272
Use Discount Code ‘steve’ to save an additional $10.00
👉 Radioddity GA-5WB: Click Here: http://radioddity.refr.cc/temporarilyoffline to get my discount code!
👉 Btech UV-Pro: https://geni.us/yti9Pt
👉 Winlink on Android (WoAD): https://play.google.com/store/search?q=woad&c=apps
4:08 Winlink Gateway Setup
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⚡ Meter I use in my videos: https://kaiweets.com/?sca_ref=2859744.05ZtMxNK23
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Where possible, all links are affiliate links, this youtube thing is an expensive endeavor and every little bit helps.
Long distance radio propagation is possible on the higher bands (2m and above) using tropospheric ducting. We went portable to try our luck!
Hepburn tropo forecasts👉 https://youtu.be/YUmyuoivGjk
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