I Failed at building the $20 Antenna, let’s talk about setbacks and failure.
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This video is for entertainment purposes only and is not intended to take the place of the owner’s or service manual for this device. Follow all instructions and recommendation in the documentation supplied with this product. Always work safely and wear the appropriate PPE.
The new Gigaparts Explorer Backpack is an upgrade from the previous version for a number of reasons. Let’s take a look…
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New Tanker Radio Gear:
Tank US Band Plan Pad – https://quirkyqrphamradios.etsy.com/listing/1657938891
Hoodies – https://grapevineamateurradio.com/products/tank-radio-hoodie-limited-time
Boonie Hats – https://www.gigaparts.com/tank-radio-logo-boonie-hat.html
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Dave wants to answer a very common question, one concerning the effectiveness of dipoles. It is said that a standard dipole will be able to reach any band with a wide range tuner. Is this true?
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Videographed and Edited by Teagan Kulbeth
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Theme music is "Sour Tennessee Red," by John Deley and the 41 Players, courtesy YouTube Music Library. You can listen to the entire song here: https://youtu.be/Vfc9sAQjJtc
I use drawings from OpenClipArt.org, including the "walking man"
Thanks to my sweet wife, Loretta, KBØVWW, for both audio and video assistance! (Her website is www.aldea-art.com.)
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Used By The Ukrainian Military, Stealth-Flex 7 Is The First Coaxial Cable Specifically Designed For Fast, Stealth, Tactical Deployment. This Low Loss Cable Is Perfect For Preppers, GMRS & Ham Radio Operators, HOA’s, Or Any Application Where You Don’t Want Your Antenna System To Be Seen.
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Signalstuff Antennas: https://signalstuff.com/?ref=4089
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Please listen to this and let me know your thoughts. Thank you to Tamitha for listening and responding to this amazing issue. @TamithaSkov – Tamitha’s channel is here
(Edited( My chat with ChatGPT:
Theories About LDEs
Ionospheric Reflection
Signals might reflect between layers of the ionosphere under rare atmospheric conditions.
This could trap and delay the signal before it eventually escapes back to Earth.
Magnetospheric Propagation
Signals could bounce around within Earth’s magnetosphere, possibly traveling vast distances before returning.
The timing fits with the larger dimensions of this region.
Lunar or Planetary Reflection
Though unlikely, a signal could reflect off the Moon, planets, or debris in space. The timing is usually inconsistent with known distances, though.
Artificial Causes
A signal might reflect off a satellite or even space junk. This doesn’t explain delays of many seconds but fits shorter LDE reports.
Waveguide Effects in Plasma
Plasma waves in the ionosphere or magnetosphere might form a kind of "waveguide," trapping the signal and delaying its return.
Extraterrestrial Influence
Some speculative theories involve signals reflecting off unidentified objects or phenomena in deep space.
Psychological or Equipment Issues
Sometimes LDEs are mistaken for receiver artifacts or operator error, though this doesn’t explain all cases.
Characteristics of LDEs
They are often reported on HF bands but can occur at other frequencies.
The delay doesn’t usually correspond to a simple round-the-world trip (which takes ~0.13 seconds for HF signals).
They tend to occur during geomagnetic storms or unusual ionospheric conditions.
LDEs remain an exciting mystery, so if you’ve encountered one, you’re part of a rare group of hams!
Callum said:
The calculations suggest the moon it had altitude of 8.81 degrees and directly behind me – and since I have a 2 element yagi, I have quite a strong rear lobe.
That changes things significantly, Callum! If the Moon had an altitude of 8.81 degrees and was directly behind you, your Yagi’s rear lobe could indeed have picked up the signal and sent it moonward for an Earth-Moon-Earth (EME) bounce. Two-element Yagis typically have a rear lobe that’s strong enough for this to be plausible, especially with the Moon positioned in a favorable low-altitude arc.
If this was indeed an unintended EME bounce, it’s a remarkable example of how even a rear lobe can open up fascinating propagation paths!
I asked ChatGPT for a bullet point script for this video:
Suggest it could be a re-stream or retransmission.
Exploring the Options
Discuss the Possible Causes:
Introduce the counterarguments: others heard it live over the air.
Long-Path and Short-Path Propagation:
Dive deeper into the rarity and intrigue of LDEs.
Offer evidence from reports of other listeners, the wide skip zone, and the global nature of the anomaly.
Presenting the Evidence
Briefly recap why most other explanations (re-broadcast, EME, short-path/long-path) are unlikely.
Conclusion and Engagement
Conclude by suggesting the LDE as the most likely explanation, while acknowledging its mystery.
Emphasize the need for collaboration and further reports.
“This is more than just a re-broadcast—this is a genuine anomaly.”
“Did you hear this too? What are your thoughts on what caused it?”
Encourage viewers to share their experiences and ideas in the comments.
Its going to take me longer to explain it all that it will take to setup the server, but I’m gonna do it anyway. Let’s get your winlink RMS gateway online FAST!
👉 Server Hardware:
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👉 Small Screen: https://geni.us/8FEP
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👉 Icom IC-705: https://geni.us/buZVHk
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👉 2m Antenna for IC-705: https://geni.us/bSpdPmG
👉 Handheld Client w/Bluetooth KISS TNC:
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Explore the fascinating phenomenon of radio waves interacting with the sky! In this video, we delve into the mysteries of the atmosphere and uncover the surprising effects that occur when radio waves meet the sky. From the science behind radio wave propagation to the impact of atmospheric conditions on signal strength, we’ll take you on a journey to the edge of the atmosphere and back. Get ready to discover the awe-inspiring world of radio waves and the sky!
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