Jack_Luck.v2 is wondering if insulated steel wire can be added to copper wire to prevent droop without having the steel in the circuit. How much will a setup like this mess with the antenna’s SWR? Watch to find out!
Subscribe: https://youtube.com/davecasler
Videographed and Edited by Teagan Kulbeth
#amateur radio
#ham radio
#technician license
#general license
#extra license
#ham radio training
#dave casler
#ham radio answers
#icom 7300
#end fed dipole
#mag loop
#magnetic loop antennas
To learn more about me, visit: https://dcasler.com
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To pose an Ask Dave question, email to askdave@arrl.org. Feel free to include pictures or drawings to help clarify. I may answer your question directly, via an Ask Dave video, or in my monthly column "Ask Dave" in QST.
Theme music is "Sour Tennessee Red," by John Deley and the 41 Players, courtesy YouTube Music Library. You can listen to the entire song here: https://youtu.be/Vfc9sAQjJtc
I use drawings from OpenClipArt.org, including the "walking man"
Thanks to my sweet wife, Loretta, KBØVWW, for both audio and video assistance! (Her website is www.aldea-art.com.)
My primary website: http://www.dcasler.com
My publishing website: http://www.mtsneffelspress.com, where you can find my fantasy and science fiction books.
My Amazon author page, which lists my print and Kindle books: http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B00471I0Q4.