I’m new to reviewing products. This Portable Morse Code Paddle series is my first attempt. With a few reviews under my belt I have learned a few things. In this video I talk a little bit more about the paddles previously reviewed and share a few lessons I’ve learned along the way. Pictured above is a 3D printed shroud for the American Morse Ultra Porta Paddle Morse Code Paddle. The plans were created by Dave KG3X and can be found here: https://www.prusaprinters.org/prints/85928-american-morse-ultra-porta-paddle-morse-code-paddl
Twitter: @NJ7V_
Instagram: RedSummitRF
Facebook: Red Summit RF
TikTok: RedSummitRF
Help support this channel – buy me a Coke: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/RedSummitRF
Obtain a sticker https://redsummitrf.blogspot.com/
Robert, W4RKM, has watched many videos on the funtions and capabilities of a rig, but he wants to know the differences and applications for the various noise filter functions. For example what do the Pre-Amp, Attenuation, Notch, Noise Blanker, Noise Reduction, and IP+ buttons do?
Subscribe: https://youtube.com/user/davecasler. Ask Dave Playlist: https://goo.gl/inaQeB. Tip Jar: http://ke0og.net/tip-jar
Edited by Callum Jakeman.
To learn more about me, visit: http://www.dcasler.com/about/
Tip jar (on my website): http://www.dcasler.com/tip-jar/ (provides a method to use your credit card via PayPal, Also describes Patreon)
To pose an Ask Dave question: http://www.dcasler.com/ask-dave/ or http://www.ke0og.net/ask-dave/
To order the most recent and up-to-date Amateur Extra videos on a thumb drive: http://dcasler.com/aevids-on-stick/
Theme music is "Sour Tennessee Red," by John Deley and the 41 Players, courtesy YouTube Music Library.
I use drawings from OpenClipArt.org, including the "walking man"
Technician training videos, see http://www.ke0og.net/training/
General training videos, see http://www.ke0og.net/general/
Amateur Extra training videos, see http://www.ke0og.net/extra/
List of the Ask Dave videos, see http://dcasler.com/ask-dave/#askdavelist
Thanks to my sweet wife, Loretta, KBØVWW, for both audio and video assistance! (Her website is www.aldea-art.com.)
My primary website: http://www.dcasler.com
The ham radio part of my website (direct link): http://www.ke0og.net
My publishing website: http://www.mtsneffelspress.com, where you can find my fantasy and science fiction books, as well as some local history books I publish for the Ridgway Railroad Museum and the Ouray County Historical Society
My Amazon author page, which lists my print and Kindle books: http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B00471I0Q4.
I’m often asked what equipment I use to create the videos. The devices include the Panasonic DMC-G7 camera, Panasonic HDC-TM90 video camera, GoPro Hero2 HD camera, Tascam DR-05 audio recorder, Audio-Technica ATR-3350 lapel microphone, Sony Cyber-shot DSC-W560 digital camera, the Kodak Zi-8 video camera, my iPhone 5S. Software used: CyberLink PowerDirector 17 on an HP Gaming Pavilion, also using Smoothdraw, FastStone Image Viewer 5.3, FastStone Capture 8.0, Audacity 2.1.1, LibreOffice, and Ink2Go 1.7.2. You can see how my studio is set up by viewing https://youtu.be/wFSQ8vtNA5A.
On tonight’s Livestream, Frank and I will update AREDN Mesh Firmware on my Mikrotik router and we will setup a tunnel server for connecting AREDN Mesh nodes.
My AREDN Hardware list: https://www.amazon.com/shop/hamradio2.0?listId=37RQFYTK765Z9
AREDN Mesh Firmware Downloads: https://www.arednmesh.org
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Buy Two Way Radios – http://hr2.li/7q211
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BaofengTech – https://baofengtech.com
😎 Ham Radio 2.0 Is Now Multi-Platform! 😎
Full30 – http://hr2.li/o9uok
Odysee: http://hr2.li/8qvzv
Rumble: http://hr2.li/umu9h
Utreon: https://utreon.com/c/HamRadio20
Theme and background music courtesy of https://www.bensound.com
Are you frustrated that you can’t seem to learn Morse code? Have you given up trying to learn or improve your skills? Howard Bernstein WB2UZE returns to the show tonight to finish our discussion about learning Morse Code. There are all sorts of obstacles to finally learning CW. Howard will identify some of the more common challenges people face in learning CW and offer some tried and true ways to overcome them and finally join the ranks of “Code Operators”.
Long Island CW Club Website: https://longislandcwclub.org
Join us we talk about how YOU can learn Morse code in this episode of the All Portable Discussion Zone “AP/DZ”. Every aspect of Portable Ops is explored in this biweekly live stream as we discuss news, gear, achievements, the workbench, contests, awards and more – find all Portable Ops related topics here.
Twitter: Charlie NJ7V @NJ7V_
Help support this channel – buy us a Coke: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/RedSummitRF
Donate https://www.patreon.com/redsummitrf
Obtain a sticker https://redsummitrf.blogspot.com
Bill, W8LV, asks why don’t we see any handhelds with other modes like, AM or SSB? Why do they only have FM abilities? Won’t it be great to have that ability with a handheld?
Subscribe: https://youtube.com/user/davecasler. Ask Dave Playlist: https://goo.gl/inaQeB. Tip Jar: http://ke0og.net/tip-jar
Edited by Callum Jakeman
To learn more about me, visit: http://www.dcasler.com/about/
Tip jar (on my website): http://www.dcasler.com/tip-jar/ (provides a method to use your credit card via PayPal, Also describes Patreon)
To pose an Ask Dave question: http://www.dcasler.com/ask-dave/ or http://www.ke0og.net/ask-dave/
To order the most recent and up-to-date Amateur Extra videos on a thumb drive: http://dcasler.com/aevids-on-stick/
Theme music is "Sour Tennessee Red," by John Deley and the 41 Players, courtesy YouTube Music Library.
I use drawings from OpenClipArt.org, including the "walking man"
Technician training videos, see http://www.ke0og.net/training/
General training videos, see http://www.ke0og.net/general/
Amateur Extra training videos, see http://www.ke0og.net/extra/
List of the Ask Dave videos, see http://dcasler.com/ask-dave/#askdavelist
Thanks to my sweet wife, Loretta, KBØVWW, for both audio and video assistance! (Her website is www.aldea-art.com.)
My primary website: http://www.dcasler.com
The ham radio part of my website (direct link): http://www.ke0og.net
My publishing website: http://www.mtsneffelspress.com, where you can find my fantasy and science fiction books, as well as some local history books I publish for the Ridgway Railroad Museum and the Ouray County Historical Society
My Amazon author page, which lists my print and Kindle books: http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B00471I0Q4.
I’m often asked what equipment I use to create the videos. The devices include the Panasonic DMC-G7 camera, Panasonic HDC-TM90 video camera, GoPro Hero2 HD camera, Tascam DR-05 audio recorder, Audio-Technica ATR-3350 lapel microphone, Sony Cyber-shot DSC-W560 digital camera, the Kodak Zi-8 video camera, my iPhone 5S. Software used: CyberLink PowerDirector 17 on an HP Gaming Pavilion, also using Smoothdraw, FastStone Image Viewer 5.3, FastStone Capture 8.0, Audacity 2.1.1, LibreOffice, and Ink2Go 1.7.2. You can see how my studio is set up by viewing https://youtu.be/wFSQ8vtNA5A.
Here are the links referenced in today’s video:
💥R&L: http://hr2.li/5fsa3
💥HamRadioPrep: https://hamradioprep.com
COUPON: jason20
💥Orlando Hamcation and Contest University: https://www.arrl.org/arrl-expo
💥BuyTwoWayRadios GMRS Radios: http://hr2.li/43e3q
💥American Radio Supply Coupon: https://tinyurl.com/tuy4r777
💥Bridgecom Giveaway: https://wn.nr/GGwCS2
💥WINTERHEAT Simplex Event: https://hamactive.com
💥Winter Field Day Supplies:
💥K6ARK Antenna Kits: https://k6ark.com
💥Spark Plug Antenna Kits: https://www.sparkpluggear.com
💥KM4ACK Antenna Kits: https://km4ack.square.site
💥Gigaparts Weekly Specials: http://hr2.li/dfmxb
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Buy Two Way Radios – http://hr2.li/7q211
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FlexRadio – https://flexradio.com
BaofengTech – https://baofengtech.com
😎 Ham Radio 2.0 Is Now Multi-Platform! 😎
Full30 – http://hr2.li/o9uok
Odysee: http://hr2.li/8qvzv
Rumble: http://hr2.li/umu9h
Utreon: https://utreon.com/c/HamRadio20
Theme and background music courtesy of https://www.bensound.com
Special Guest Rf Field Tech (KE5ADX)
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